Securing Openings of a Tin Roof


6 Years
Jan 6, 2018
Centre, AL
Well, heck! With all the new posts of flocks being demolished made me start thinking.

First off, my main coop is 100% secure, but my main run may not be. I have used two types of tin roofing in building my coops and runs. By type, I mean different crimp patterns of the metal. I don’t know what else to call it. Where the tin roof overlaps the run walls, there is a larger gap on one of the patterns than there is the other. The smaller gap does not worry me, but the larger one does. How would be best to predator proof those larger gaps?

This is a picture of the small gapped tin on my dog house, but it is the same repurposed tin that I have on my second chicken coop/run.

Here are several shots of the tin on my big run.

From the outside:

From the inside:

How has everyone else secured these openings? All thoughts are appreciated.
We have tin roofing...don’t smash’s very expensive! But, I haven’t tried it for those spaces, but this thread made me think of that spray foam in the’s yellow and seals about everything. We used a bit of it in odd places for our new barn, and Chris teased was in the rafter..if the mice chewed it would die. Not sure if that’s true, but it seals good. Other than that, what about some type of plumbing goop? Like a rubber fitting..but pretty pricier. Once again, Chris used to be a contractor, so I’ve been around his gizmos...some of that stuff works great..why not just caulk?
Good for ventalation though I would personally leave it be
Thats a great thought, but the run has plenty of ventilation, even when it’s wrapped with plastic.

but this thread made me think of that spray foam in the can.
The foam was a thought, but I tend to make an absolute mess with that stuff. And I’m afraid it would be unsightly, even if I cut the excess off. And that isn’t as easy to do as it sounds...for me anyway. :confused:

why not just caulk?
That is a good sized gap to fill in. I know that some of the more expensive caulks will fill in up to a 2” gap or so, but I’ve got close to 80’ of tin edge to secure. I think that might rack up some $$$, but then again, safety has no price, right?

Or cut it, hammer, and screw or nail down for a cleaner, more secure fix.
This would for sure make it secure, but, even though it is repurposed, I don’t think I want to damage the tin itself.

Or little tight rolls of hardware cloth inserted and screwed thru.
Bullseye! This is actually what I am going to do. I knew someone would mention something I’d like. Thank you, thank you, thank you! :bow I’ve got beaucoups (a lot) of scrap HC I can use just for this purpose. I knew I was saving that crap for something! I said crap because I have a love/hate relationship the stuff. I’ve got scars all over my hands, arms and legs. Just a graze of the stuff causes me to bleed like a stuck hog. It is almost like razor wire.
Thats a great thought, but the run has plenty of ventilation, even when it’s wrapped with plastic.

The foam was a thought, but I tend to make an absolute mess with that stuff. And I’m afraid it would be unsightly, even if I cut the excess off. And that isn’t as easy to do as it sounds...for me anyway. :confused:

That is a good sized gap to fill in. I know that some of the more expensive caulks will fill in up to a 2” gap or so, but I’ve got close to 80’ of tin edge to secure. I think that might rack up some $$$, but then again, safety has no price, right?

This would for sure make it secure, but, even though it is repurposed, I don’t think I want to damage the tin itself.

Bullseye! This is actually what I am going to do. I knew someone would mention something I’d like. Thank you, thank you, thank you! :bow I’ve got beaucoups (a lot) of scrap HC I can use just for this purpose. I knew I was saving that crap for something! I said crap because I have a love/hate relationship the stuff. I’ve got scars all over my hands, arms and legs. Just a graze of the stuff causes me to bleed like a stuck hog. It is almost like razor wire.
Well, I’m really glad that all our minds came up with something you could use use safely! Goo luck with yet another project in the middle of the blustery weather!! :(

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