Seed starting woes


12 Years
Mar 17, 2010
essexville, michigan
I have started seeds indoors for years, and have always had good luck doing this. So far this year everything has gone good and everything is growing as expected. Today I took one of the tomato plants that has been transplanted to a solo cup and put under a grow light and noticed that the first and second set of leaves have a hint of purple color under them. Never had this before, is there something wrong with them. All my tomatoes are like this.
I have started seeds indoors for years, and have always had good luck doing this. So far this year everything has gone good and everything is growing as expected. Today I took one of the tomato plants that has been transplanted to a solo cup and put under a grow light and noticed that the first and second set of leaves have a hint of purple color under them. Never had this before, is there something wrong with them. All my tomatoes are like this.
Give them a dose of liquid fertilizer and some epsom salt.
Homemade, foxfarm potting mix, peatmoss, vermiculite and perlite

Probably not much phosphorus in that. I'd look for some water soluble "root and bloom" fertilizer.

Peatmoss, vermiculite and perlite are soil additives, not really a replacement.
I have started seeds indoors for years, and have always had good luck doing this. So far this year everything has gone good and everything is growing as expected. Today I took one of the tomato plants that has been transplanted to a solo cup and put under a grow light and noticed that the first and second set of leaves have a hint of purple color under them. Never had this before, is there something wrong with them. All my tomatoes are like this.

What are the day and nighttime temperatures where the plants are being kept.

If the temps are too cool it makes it hard for your tomatoes to take in phosphorus. Raising the temp some (if there indoors) will help, adding fertilizer isn't going to help if the temps are on the low side.
Most of Foxfarms potting mix's contain bat guano and earth worm castings so you shouldn't have a low phosphorus problem in the soilless mix.

Are you fertilizing them any? If not you could hit them with Foxfarms "grow big (6-4-4)" and see what that does. Use the rate recommended on the bottle.
I did give them some of foxfarms liquid fert. nothings changed, I've been taking them outside for a few hours each day getting ready to plant next week.

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