Sept 2013 Dewlap Toulouse pictures


Family owned, family run
10 Years
Sep 7, 2009
Florida - Space Coast
Our Dewlap Toulouse flocks have grown this year. We added in 3 new grey adults (1 male 2 female) and 3 new buff adults (all female) this year as well as gosling pairs retained from this years hatches.

Thank you Barb, I adore the buffs too. the greys are just HUGE with our biggest gander hitting 32lbs recently and his mate is 28lbs. They make the sebbies look teeny tiny lol
Thank you Barb, I adore the buffs too. the greys are just HUGE with our biggest gander hitting 32lbs recently and his mate is 28lbs. They make the sebbies look teeny tiny lol

Shellie the dewlaps look like little feather dinosaurs. I think they are so unique!!! I bet they do make the sebbies look teeny tiny......
They sound awesome. I wanted them a long time ago when I first started in sebbies and had a very bad experience with the person I bought eggs from. So that stopped me in my tracks. Them being so passive would be great but husband says NO more geese. I do think he would notice the difference in size and shapes.

Reminds me today I had to feed the horses my husband had surgery on his right shoulder. Glad he warned me about our stud foal!!! The first thing that bad boy did was come running at me and I said get back. He looked at me as if you have not been in my area and I am not sure I want to let you in. So had to push my way in the gate and had to use my cane to pop him to get him back. Blaze likes to bite and bite hard. So you have to show him who is boss more than one time he is BULLHEADED. You think he got back on the first pop with the cane no he got 5....
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Thanks Shellie for caring, I will keep an eye on him because I have already experienced an awful time with our big horse Maxie when he was 9 months old.
I had food and he came at me at the gate and turned around and kicked at me. I finally got in and he turned again and kicked at me. I got behind a tree and he still came at me. I finally got his lead and that jerk pulled on my arm and dislocated it. I got my arm out and he pushed me into the side of the barn. I threw the food into the barn with my left hand. I fell and broke my knee as well as the shoulder he dislocated. Believe this or not I got myself up and walked back up the hill to my car. Somehow got it turned around drove into the garage and got out and called Ron he was duck hunting, then called my daughter and she did not answer, then called 911... I was such a mess the hospital here close to us sent me by helicopter to another hospital. I was pretty bad.
So that taught me not to trust any horse.

Today I went to feed him and took hay and threw it away from the gate. Then opened the gate and had a surprise for him a whip in my hand....
He came over and turned around and I took the whip and gave him a stinger on the rear. He looked at me like how dare you and came at me again and got another one. So he decided the hay was more important than coming at me. So will go in each time with the whip and cane for protection.

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