**September 2009** Fall/Halloween themed towel swap CLOSED!!!

That is too funny! even my sister saw it and was like these are nice towel you get( in a jelous kinda way).

thanks for the tip. I'll have to go have a look....
Ohh boy ...
I received from Beverly Bass ... um over a week ago.
I absolutely love them BTW and the little pumpkin tray.
I'm sorry I forgot to post, I left the following day to see my Daughter Graduate From Basic Training in the Army. Just got home yesterday. I was a little distracted ...lol
I have sent emails to the three people I am sending towels out to, but I also wanted to post here and let you know. We had a family emergency come up so I have been out of town. When I got back in yesterday they were sitting on my front porch with postal due. We have a new postal worker, well really our only one, and I guess he weighed them wrong. So they were sent back to me. I went out today and bought something extra to put in the envelopes, and I will send them out first thing in the morning. Again I am so sorry they are late!!
I have gotten my towel ( I think)....I got a package in the mail about a week ago...Honestly I haven't even had time to open it right now...Have had things snowballing around here lately...
between the small things--goats keep jumping the fence, toilet broke, dead batteries in 2 vehicles, 2 flat tires on our only vehicle that the battery didn't die, etc. etc, to some larger issues--youngest daughter broke her elbow at school so between dr.s appts, surgeries, hospital stays, etc. etc. I haven't been home much lately. But today I plan on opening that package....
anyway...I have my towels sitting here to be sent out, I just haven't gotten around to mailing it. I will be getting that done today or in the morning. as soon as I get it out to the post office I will post to let you know it's on it's way.
I feel really bad for not getting on here sooner to post, but like I said one snowball after another lately(and then it really did start snowing this week--I think it's just a way to add a little salt on the already open wunds--lol).
Thanks for your patients though....

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