September Western Pennsylvania chicken swap

I will be bringing:
1 grey (cuckoo?) silkie hen.
white silkie chicks, 2 1/2 and 3 months old.
assorted mixed bantam chicks.

I will also bring something for the auction, and whatever eggs I get this week for the egg swap.

Can we start a list of what food everyone is bringing?
Also bring copies of your recipe for a recipe swap!

I will bring pulled pork sandwiches.
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Does anyone have any serama chicks? I could use just one for a broody serama I have here. I would consider something in a small bantam too.

See you all there!
Zookeeper; sorry, no white hens, they did not do well for me this year much to my chagrin. I paid a good amount for those birds and was hoping to get some nice offspring but they had other ideas. There is always next year though. I am looking for high quality butterscotch or snowy calls if anyone has any.
I'm coming too. I'll be bringing 3 guineas 2 girls & a boy ( Purchased from Lisann (Murano) around May 10th.) I can also bring Dubia Roaches (Chicken Treats) if anyone would be interested. If you want to start your own colony, let me know, I can get some adult females & males for you.

I know my boys are looking for silkie chicks or adult hens.

See you there!

Mary Ann
I should be able to come and I'll bring some Silkie chicks if they aren't sold by then. (I have ALOT though lol) I have White breeder quality Silkies and some Blue chicks as well. Mostly 3-4 week olds, some 2 month and a couple 3 month olds. I may have some Lavender split chicks also. I'm thinking about selling my pure Lav roo (bought from Jen5680) because I have a nicer one (from Darling Farms) I'm going to use next Spring. Not sure if I want to auction him off or just sell him?????
I'm also thinking about selling some of my Blue Silkie Hens...foot feathering isnt as nice as I'd like it. The little chicks will be coming FOR SURE though.

Lets hope the weather is better that last time
He's the daddy to all of my Lavenders and Lavender splits. He's pretty rough looking right now because he got into it with my other boy and lost just about ALL of his crest feathers and he's dirty lol. He's got some feathers growing in now, but still looks bad. Plus hes going through molt. I don't have time to bathe them either lol. He looks aweful, poor thing. Maybe I can find a picture of when I first got him...I'll look! The Lav cockerel I'll be using next Spring is too young to breed right now. I don't think I'll be able to come up til about 3:30 though
I was hoping to come first thing in the morning but I can't now. If something changes, I'll be up earlier

Is the roo you're getting rid of the daddy to my chicks?

I'll bring you those clothes.
If somebody could answer this question I'd really appreciate it, since I can't find the answer anywhere else. My husband and his work buddies are arguing whether or not chickens and turkeys have intercourse when breeding LOL!
I don't think they do, but never cared to find out either?!?! So he's making me do some research to find out whos right lol. Can somebody please tell me how they breed, or a link etc. OR you can PM me and tell me. I've never seen one a roo, but never really "looked" that close either. I had a pet turkey years ago and I never bothered to look at him either. Thanks lol

ETA: If anybody has a link, that would be great. They have to have "proof" to whos right & wrong... MEN?
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