*Serama Gal14's chat group!*

Remember that we have grade school kids on this forum. Please keep your language "G rated" for their sake. If the term is questionable, don't use it.

Please read the first post here:


And, from the rules:

  1. Remember this is a family friendly community, so no swearing, foul language, or profanity.
  2. Definitely no inappropriate topics, especially "Adult"or innuendo.


BackYardChickens staff spend a TON of time and energy to keep the forum running smoothly. How BackYardChickens staff moderate is never a topic for open discussion on the forum. If you have any questions or feedback on moderation it should be addressed to the Administrator or the specific moderator via email or private message.
15. Do not post threads questioning moderation. If you have an issue with one of our rules, moderators, etc. please contact another moderator or a forum administrator via private message

Thank you, flockwatcher. :)

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