
5 Years
May 21, 2018
San Andreas, CA
I have 12 serama eggs arriving Tuesday, being express shipped tomorrow, I'm hoping express shipping has better results than regular shipping with hatch-rates?
I bought a Brinsea Mini Advance II, and all week I've been trying different ways to maintain 35-45%humidity. I have 2 hygrometers, one cheepcheep and one calibrated (I didn't trust the cheap one). With the temp set to 101.6F, at egg level the hygrometers are keeping between 99.5-100.5F. The humidity has been impossible to stabilize at 40%, but I think I got it. If you fill the water-well halfway, per Brinsea direction, the humidity goes between 60-75%. I tried some things, and came up with the idea of shoving a thick napkin in the side to keep the humidity down AND stable. For two days now its staying between 35-45%, with half the well filled and a napkin in the side.

Two days ago my top Orpington girl Goldie went broody. Today I took her out of the coop, and she ran around like a banshee. While she did that, another hen (Big Mama, my usual hatching girl), sat on the eggs. Goldie came back all a-fluff and kicked Big Mama out, so I feel like Goldie is serious about this baby thing.
My question.... will these shipped Serama eggs do better in the incubator, or underneath Goldie? I'm worried my big fluffy girl might smash the tiny eggs on accident ? I might put 6 under her and 6 incubated, and see what happens. This is my very first incubator attempt ever, any suggestions are very helpful :)) thanks ahead !!
My two bantam hens just hatched 6/8 Serama eggs. Everybody’s first attempt at hatching anything and it went better than ever imagined! I now have the anguish of trying to find homes for the ones I can’t keep because it was so successful!


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My two bantam hens just hatched 6/8 Serama eggs. Everybody’s first attempt at hatching anything and it went better than ever imagined! I now have the anguish of trying to find homes for the ones I can’t keep because it was so successful!
Omygosh theyre adorable !! I'm so excited/nervous for my hatch ... I have a small coop that I'll move my broody into tonight. Thanks :)
Just thought I'd update...
My eggs arrived, not in great shape. I think it might just be a combination of poor packaging and express shipment-handling, but 6 of the 12 eggs were cracked, by a lot. 2 were leaking, one had the air cell crushed a little, the other three had hairline cracks that I only saw with candeling. My broody happily made the new coop her own. After resting the eggs for 24hrs, I gave her the six "good" eggs (3 have displaced air cells). Then I did some research on fixing cracks... I didn't have any wax on hand, so I put a thin layer of insta-drying clear polish over the cracks :/ Then I chickened, and gave them all to my broody. She didn't seem to notice or care about the dried polish. It'll be a miracle if any of them hatch :fl Please cross fingers and toes for me!
Hi! I'm so sorry, life came around and this thread was abandoned lol...
None of the first eggs I shipped hatched, the post really messed them up. But, I got my money back from the post office, and with it bought 12 new eggs from a different breeder, who sent me fifteen in almost perfect condition :ya
13 made it to today, and I'm mid hatch atm!
But omg I'm so worried !
Yesterday I left for work at 9am with 5 pips, then my boyfriend sent me pics, they started hatching within the hour. I couldn't get home till 7pm, and there were 7 tiny ones hatched, 3 I'm hopeful are frizzle butts :love:ya but I realized, 2 of my first pips hadn't changed at all. I tried to moisten with coconut oil, and broke thru to their beaks, but it didnt work, they were already gone and still haven't moved. Another big one pipped at 7pm, zipped by 8pm, then stopped. At 12am I noticed it looked dry and panicked, tried to help in the same manner and put back in theInc, but it was already gone. What the what. It is still in there, hasn't moved at all :hit I still have three that haven't pipped or anything, its day 21 now, the hatched babies are basically 24 hours old...
I'm thinking I should candle the unpipped to check movement/life, and at about twelve move the fluffy ones into the brooder..... Does that sound right? :oops: :caf pics soon to come :)
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