Serious this time - nestbox issue - PLEASE advise!


Cows, Chooks & Impys - OH MY!
14 Years
Nov 9, 2007
SW Arkansas
Okay, I'm running into a serious nestbox/broody box issue and I need ideas.

Here's my setup - I have/had five nestboxes in the baby coop.

One is a large dog travel crate, with a door. My SF is broody in that one and she's not a problem. She has food and water right in front of her and I let her out once a day for her constitutional. All is fine there.

Three are large, covered kitty litter boxes. One has a broody silkie in it and she's not a problem. The meatie pullets can't fit into that one, they don't even try. The silkie is able to keep the other pullets out using nothing but her bluff. That leaves two other boxes for the non-broody pullets to use.

One is an extra large wire dog crate and that's the problem box. One of my silkies has gone broody in it. I've tried moving her at night but come the next morning she's back in the crate again. This is the only nestbox big enough for the meaties (four of em) to use.

These wire crates cost around $100 and even if I could afford another one right now, which I can't, I don't know where I'd put it in the coop. Until the first of the month, even another travel kennel would be out of the question.

If I could lock the silkie in the crate there wouldn't be a problem. I could put food and water right in front of her. I wouldn't have to worry about the meaties climbing in with her and possibly breaking her eggs. I can't lock her in though, because then the meaties wouldn't have a place to lay their eggs.

Any ideas?
Yep, Kat, in a pinch, any port in a storm, right?
Your little silkie really is being a pistol, isn't she?
I wish you lived closer, I have a huge collection of crates/cages just because I never know when I'm going to need them.
Yep, Kat, in a pinch, any port in a storm, right?
Your little silkie really is being a pistol, isn't she?
I wish you lived closer, I have a huge collection of crates/cages just because I never know when I'm going to need them.

I have to 3rd this.

A few of my girls decided they like the avon boxes my neighbor gets - 12x16 - I let them lay or brood in them and toss when falling apart or icky.
Okay, I have a large box leftover from a certain someone sending me an incubator (that along with sourland's chants caused all this broody mania). I'll set that up for the meaties this afternoon and hope they can figure it out.
Meaties aren't the brightest crayons in the box ya know.
I am just going to add that you should put a heavy rock in the botom and then cover it generously with bedding so that when they try to sit on the side it doesn't tip over and dump all of the contents on the floor... LOL... Ask me how I know! Hehe... Stubborn broodies! Although, I don't think that there is anything that I wouldn't give for one right now! LOL
Shoot, anything will work. A box will work but may not last long. Go to Walmart and get a milk crate. They use them for filing and they are all different colors. I have 3 of those and my Light Brahmas can fit in them. They are a big bird. I just set them down and add some hay to them. Done deal. If you lived near me I would make you some....... lol.

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