Set my *FIRST* batch of eggs this AM Jan.21st. UPDATE. I've got 2.pg14

I opened the bator to add water and 3 eggs have pips and there's peeping noises. I'm so excited. Had to tell my whole family. And take pictures of the eggs while the bator was open. I'll post them tomorrow.
It's day 22 and I have 6 out of 7 hatched. All of my Bantam Cochins hatched, but so far, and probably only one Silkie made it. So here's the pic.


I'm very disappointed with the Silkie eggs we got from the silent auction. But the eggs from my own birds.

cute lil chickies Apprentice_egger , they look like all blues except for that one, is that the silkie?

JGoogle, I'll have to check out the link Sat. when i got work. i have dial up at home...nuff said!

keep those pics coming....


nothing coming from my bator, i keep checking and make peeping noises, in the holes.... but don't get a response....
You guys won't believe the crazy dreams I had last night...Instead of us all being here online, we all had our eggs in a huge barn so we could see everyone's hatching at the same time. I went to check on mine and 4 had hatched but 2 of them were missing, then I found a fox, that had gotten my chicks and a few other eggs in the barn so my DH got his gun and took the fox outback and got rid of it. My eggs were hatching so fast I didn't even have time to get the video camera. Then the last 2 hatched, they turned out to be guineas ??? and started flying around with Tinkerbell:lau because I guess in my dreams guineas like fairies
I told this dream to my DH right before he left for work this morning...he left the room saying "OOOOkkkaaaayyyy, I'm just going to leave you alone now crazy chicken lady" and closed the door, lol!!! Wow, I really hope these little guys do something today, I can't take another night of those dreams, hahaha!

Still no pips-day 21 now, I swear I saw the #2 egg move last night but I was starring so hard at them I think my eyes are crossing,
so probably not. I'm going to go shopping to get my mind off of them (well, I'll still be thinking about them) and give them more time

JCoogle - I hope I don't have to open mine...that must be really hard and frustrating. I know my eggs were full, with the exception of one that was a bit samller, when I went into lockdown. I'm going to wait it out till Sunday, day 23, and go from there.
HELP What shoudl I do????
I have an LG w/air, the temps have been steady no major changes throughout (dropped to 96.4 once but only for less than 1 hour). I started with a higher humidity, 55-65% for the first 2 days, then read about the dry method and kept it between 30-45% up until day 18. Then I upped it to 60% (it's ranged from 58 once to 65%) I could see small movement in all 7 eggs when I candled right before lockdown. I thought everything was great, but now that day 21 (fri.) has come and gone I'm getting really worried. Everywhere I read of members who have set on or around the same day (22nd Jan.) almost all have pips and chicks by now, if not completely done. I don't have and pips, peeps, movement, you name it...NOTHING. My questions for all my fellow BYC members are...
1. How long should I keep them in there and wait?
2. Should I try to open 1 egg on Sun (day23) and see if there are problems?
3. Should I up the humidity more, or is it too late at this point?
This is my first hatch and I was so excited for this day but now I'm really sad that I messed this all up somehow
Please help me, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, I'm just besides myself right now on what I should do. I'm such a wreck that I can't even sleep right now either.
Thanks for everyones support and all the awesome pics of your new little babies, Rachel
Ok... so you all know that i can't see that well...LOL.
I thought I saw a crack in an egg last night....naw...must be my eyes again... I keep adding water though to the bator....

I saw NO..... movement what so ever during this whole process....I swear!

My son leaves me a note this morning, 2 are hatching.... WHAT?...

Yup, the one that I saw the crack is zipping when I got in there to check this AM and another had already zipped, So I missed THAT whole thing...(A little bummed) But SMILING NOW... cause look!!!!


My two new Silver Laced Wyandottes (hope I spelled it correctly)

OMG.... and they make a racket.... I added more water while taking the pic too, you just never know..

Feathered landings....don't give saw movement...I didn't... My friend said during my 21 days that she NEVER saw anything, in her many hatchings, that was my encouragement, plus you guys...
she the one i borrowed the candler.

I have 8 Easter Eggers hatched out of 12 eggs. Great hatch rate in my estimation. LOL. I am leaving the 4 eggs in the bator until tonight at least, just in case. I still have to download the pics from my camera. Anyway, 3 were pipped on Thursday night one hatched arount 10 pm and when I woke up Friday morning 3 more were hatched. The other 4 hatched by 10 AM. They are such cute fuzzy butts. 6 brown/gray, 1 yellow and 1 black. All have the little tufts on their cheeks.

Congrats Melinda on your Wyandottes. I have 3 of them and just love them.

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