Set my *FIRST* batch of eggs this AM Jan.21st. UPDATE. I've got 2.pg14


Sorry about your Wellies, that would be really hard to spend money and not get at least 1. Maybe you sould call the seller, I read somewhere else that they did that (hers exploded though and ruined all the eggs) and got a whole new dozen for free. Are you going to candle the ones you pull just in case? I have 1 left and I think I'll leave it til Tues, candle and go from there. One BYC member said her last one hatched on day 26, wow, way to be EXTRA patient!!! Either way, I'm very happy with my hatch, 6 so far out of the 7 original set (my roo's not missing

Here's a couple more pics...the 6th one is still in the bator drying out


Thanks again Melinda for all your support. It was fun being hatching buddies!!! Good luck on you next set too
I'm not going to bother...and saying that, i won't be buying anymore from her either.... I've tried to candle a few times and I really can't see anything in there, it's a dark egg... I ended up leaving all 7 in there b/c of that...

One is probably a def. that nothings going to happen, it's all porous, with botches all over it... The others I can't see anything...

Live and Learn!


This experience was def. fun and informational, and a roller coaster.... weeeeee.

thanks for being one of my hatch buddies...nothing like going through this with friends in the same boat. My people (at home) just don't understand!!!!LOL
gig.gif hatch is almost over! I have 6 healthy chicks and one egg left in the bator until tonight. If nothing happens it goes tomorrow. I started with 11 eggs and through candling I knew to cull all but 8 of eggs. So...if this one doesn't hatch I got 6 out of 8. Not bad for a homemade bator and first time! I'm pretty excited...We discovered we have a broody too! I'm going to check on her and see how many she's will be busy at Ava's Maison de Poulet this spring!!


Sorry about the bad eggs, I can certainly understand that. I don't know why some people allow unfertile or bad eggs to go out. I wouldn't want to be known for that kind of activity. I would certainly want to make it right if I had sold some bad eggs through an honest mistake. Maybe you should give the seller a chance before closing the door.
Congrats CajunChick on your babies, good job too if it was in a homemade incubator.
I was on my way to making mine (had all the parts but hadn't started it) but my sister was scared I'd burn the house down so she bought me one for my birthday, lol. That's ok, little does she know it'll just tied me over till I can upgrade from styrofoam to some sort of night stand/cabinet one...I'm working on a design and searching craigslist everyday
Me too! I'm a CL junkie now....looking for a wine cooler. I found one at Goodwill..pre-chickens
and didn't know what I would do with it..but it was so nice and only $15. I am kicking myself for not getting it for something.

I was going to buy a bator..but I figured I'd try out my homemade one first. I think I'll be putting that money toward my embroidery machine as my homemade bator did just fine!
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