Setting 20 French Black Copper Maran eggs May 28, 2014 - Join up.

I haven't hatched any eggs in a couple of years, but my new coop is under way, so I am setting eggs tomorrow. My incubator is home made, and has a thermostat and heater that I designed, as well as a custom egg turner. It only holds 20 eggs, so that's what I have. The guy I got the eggs from says that he has a 95% hatch rate; I hope I do as well. The eggs were all laid in the last 5 days or so, and have not been refrigerated.

My coop is sized for about 10 full sized chickens, so if I get a good hatch, maybe there will be 9 pullets and 9 cockerels. If so, I will cut the males back to one or two for the winter, and keep all the pullets.

I hope that some of you with similar start dates will join in the thread. :)
I love my Meran's & there Chocolate colors eggs
Well, I made the 90 mile trip, and it was uneventful. The incubator is back on mains power, and the hatch is expected Tuesday night into Wednesday.
Hatching has started a day early. Last night, I heard peeping and saw a couple of pips. This morning, there are are six distinct pips plus two that are zipping. One will likely be out in a couple of hours. There were 13 eggs that went into lockdown; hopefully they will all hatch.. My long term goal was one rooster and 10 pullets, but that probably won't happen; 7 pullets and 6 cockerels is probably the best potential hatch that is realistic.

Today, I hope to build and install the people door on my new coop. I also have to cobble together some sort of brooder.
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I don't think my broody hen's 3 eggs will hatch. Nothing is happening, and one of them has hairline cracks from being stepped on by hens a couple of weeks ago.
Here's an update.

I have eight chicks; all are fine with the possible exception of the last one to hatch. It is looking weak, but maybe will recover. Of the remaining five eggs, two have pipped, but three have not. I won't really worry about those three until this time tomorrow. I took a picture of the new chicks in the incubator, but I forgot the cable to go from my camera to my computer.

I built the people door for the coop, but it's too heavy/cumbersome to hang without help. My friend, Larry, will be around tomorrow, and we will hang it then.

Meanwhile, I have to come up with a temporary brooder for the chicks. I have a feeder and waterer, and a fair size cardboard box will do for the brooder.
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That's terrible; did you candle to check?

It's possible that they could hatch as it's still Day 20, but seems a bit unlikely as nothing is happening. I did candle around Day 16 but as they are green eggs hard to see through - at least 2 out of the 3 looked good. The hen is very dedicated.

If they don't hatch, I already have a lot of the loss will be for the hen in these past 3 weeks.
Final update for today: nine hatched and doing well, one pipped but not progressing, and three not pipped. Here's a photo of the nine.

Number 10 hatched during the night; it's still quite wet, so my guess is within the last hour or so. Numbers 11-13 still have not pipped, but the 21 days weren't up until midnight last night, so I am not giving up on them.

The experience with number 10 is interesting. It pipped more than 36 hours before it hatched, and created a small breathing hole through which I could see its beak and hear it peeping. I was tempted last night to "help" it, but didn't. I told my wife that maybe it somehow knew it wasn't ready, and was waiting for the right time. Apparently, that was the case.

Later today, my nephew (about 4 years old) is coming to see the chicks. According to his mom, he's very excited, but doesn't really understand the relationship between eggs and baby chicks. In fact, he recently told my wife that his parents got him from Lowe's. I guess I will let his mom decide how much he needs to know about hatching chicks, and his dad can handle where little boys come from.

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