Setting 4/8 and 4/9! - Hatch-Along


Alaskan Wanderer
8 Years
Aug 25, 2011
I'm setting some eggs tonight; one is a mixed, one a sizzle, 2 (possibly 3) ancona/silkie crosses, 1 possible polish/silkie cross, and 2 barnevelder/silkie crosses. Anyone want to join me?
I set my first eggs ever this morning! I am so excited. We put 4 of our own RIR and 1 english game bantam in and a dozen barnyard mix from a neighbor. We wanted a small batch for our first hatchlings. I am super excited...and already as worried as a mother hen! LOL
Congrats! This is my third time hatching, second using an incubator. I want them to hatch now lol
I wish mine would hatch now too. :) Our electric went out during a storm last night and the only thing I could think about was those little eggs! LOL But it was only out for about 10 hopefully everything will be ok. We added 2 sebright eggs yesterday. We really wanted the hens to hatch them as we heard they are very good mothers but they wouldn't stay on the nest and it is still a little chilly here so in the incubator they went. :)
good morning and hello from san angelo tx. Im new to byc and this forum. I have a batch of eggs due Fri and i have about 6 that have externally pipped there eggs. I think i need to be hog tied because i couldn't sleep last night. because I thought i heard chirping yesterday evening while watching tv. ( i have the incubator in my room ) yesterday was lockdown. i had set the eggs on Fri the 22nd in the afternoon so i thought that Fri don't count. so sat 23 & that would put them due this sat. anyways thought i heard chirping. well peaked in window and noticed 6 eggs pipped @2 in the morning. thought they would be further a long this morning but nothing other than them talking to eachother. I can't wait. started with 48 eggs and after 2 handling a long the way now down to41. i keep reminding myself not to open it so i think i need to be hog tied lol. i will let u know how it goes

You can bring the broodies inside in a crate so that they'd be warm. I almost did that with Kiki when she hatched her chick. It's so cute to watch chicks poke their heads out from under their mama's wings
I set 2 more last night, ancona/silkie and polish/silkie.
New egg here. After reading some of the other posts I'm worried about the babies that hatched today. This is the first batch of eggs and I don't know if the coop will stay warm enough for the babies. Our nights are in the 30s and 40s. Do I need to add heat to the coop?
Do I need to do anything else to help the mother take care of these babies. There are 10 eggs and she is a bantam.

All assistance is appreciated.
Well the sebrights have laid 2 more eggs and built a pretty good nest on the floor of their coop. Both my silver and gold hen are laying in the same nest. I am going to leave the eggs alone for a few days and maybe add a couple of my tiny english game bantam eggs to the nest to see if I can get one of the sebrights to go broody!
I just set 3 more... now there's 12 in the bator. This is so bad but I can't help myself....

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