Setting eggs Memorial Day Weekend! :) They're hatching!!!


10 Years
Sep 28, 2009
Eastern Shore, VA
I just put 5 eggs ( 3 EE mutts, 1 BR mutt, and a silkie mutt) under my first broody. I'm sooooooo excited. I figured I'd see if anyone wanted to be hatch buddies

Here's a video of her eagerly receiving her eggs today:
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OH my that was so precious! What a good little mommy

I just got my silkie eggs in the mail today and I was going to put 1/2 in the incubator and 1/2 under one of my broody silkies.

Did you warm them 1st ?
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I just started 6 Blue Laced Red Wyandotte, 6 Cuckoo Maran, 6 Blue Quail D'Anvers, and 6 Silver Quail D'Anvers in the incubator today! I also have about a dozen white and buff silkies and a dozen more various cochins setting under all my broody hens.
Ok I'm in!
I just put 2 under 1 hen 2 under another and 4 in the bator
oh and I doubt they will hatch but I put 2 gumball eggs in just for kicks
I didn't chill them. They were just kept in our shop, which holds a pretty steady temp (lower end of room temp).
I turned them twice a day and they were all collected in the last 3 days. I wanted the freshest I could get. Did I need to actually warm them higher than room temp? Now I'm worried. Haha! Guess it's too late now though.

I'm sooooooo excited! And having buddies makes it even more fun!

I just got back from closing up the chickens for the night, and Chole's still loving on her eggs

PS - Beach I'm sooooo jealous of the breeds you're hatching. I actually thought about ordering BLRW and marans for Chole to hatch, but I've heard that first time moms aren't always the best. So hopefully I can do that next time she goes broody.
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I didn't chill them. They were just kept in our shop, which holds a pretty steady temp (lower end of room temp).
I turned them twice a day and they were all collected in the last 3 days. I wanted the freshest I could get. Did I need to actually warm them higher than room temp? Now I'm worried. Haha! Guess it's too late now though.

I'm sooooooo excited! And having buddies makes it even more fun!

I just got back from closing up the chickens for the night, and Chole's still loving on her eggs

PS - Beach I'm sooooo jealous of the breeds you're hatching. I actually thought about ordering BLRW and marans for Chole to hatch, but I've heard that first time moms aren't always the best. So hopefully I can do that next time she goes broody.

No no I was just wondering because she took them so well! I think that was so awesome!
I had some in the bator that were close to hatching time I placed them under one of my silkies 1 of them was pipped and started to zip. I guess I am real lucky they are all ok shew
So this time I didn't know if I should heat them and when I seen how well your little girl did I was curious. I tried like you did and set them in front of the girls and they looked at them hmmm (not like yours) so I went ahead and slid them under them.

Yes I am excited also as this will be the 1st time I get to share the same hatch with others
I'm usually not on much but lately I have been creating the list for the egg train and has kept me here. Not that I mind being here it's my favorite place to get lost

Tell Chole she's not alone and good luck!
Ohhh! I actually got her used to that with her plastic eggs. I figured, just in case something happened, I wanted her accustomed to me moving her, checking under her, taking/giving her eggs. I would move her about to clean out the nest box. I'd plop her back in a put her plastic eggs in front of her, and she'd put them under her and arrange them just so. She cracks me up when she keeps her head under there like she's looking at them or something. Now of course I won't be doing that on purpose with her real eggs, but it's nice to know that if something bad happens I can.

And she's been absolutely great with everything. I actually second guessed myself about her being broody because she wasn't mean. She got sweeter instead of meaner. She hardly used to let me pet her, and now she sits up when I check on her and coos to me until I come over and say hi and pet her lil cheeks (her favorite spot). Then she'll settle right back in. Such a sweetie!

Having buddies is awesome. This is my first time, and I'm sure questions are going to arise. Like when should I candle for the first time? I was thinking day 5-7ish. Or is that too early?

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