Setting eggs on FEB 10


6 Years
Feb 2, 2013
Leesville, Louisiana
My Coop
My Coop
Hi everyone. This is my second time incubating eggs. I just got 30 bantam eggs from a local breeder, assorted of what he could gather this week. I have 14 Millie Fluer eggs, 5 silver Phoenix eggs, 5 blue Cochin eggs, 3 black tailed white japs., and 3 Serama.
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Hi! I'm so happy I found this thread, I just set my very first turn of eggs from our gals! I JUST got my incubator Saturday, so decided if I could grab a few fresh eggs from the ladies, I'd set a few just to test everything out. I only have 4 in, but it's nice to have set some on the same date as another person especially being my first turn!
I set 4 from my ladies just to test the incubator. It's a mixed flock, but I know the 1 egg for sure is from our buff orpington roo and our amber hybrid hen. The other 3 could be from amber hybrids, a buff orpington hen, barred rocks or red sex links, all w/ our buff orpington roo. We have a few more hens than the "NORMAL" rooster can cover, but he takes that personally and decides to prove to us how many hens he actually can cover on his own for fear of us getting another rooster lol. This is just for fun to see how we do at hatching and since this is our brand new incubator. I have checked their fertility in the past and had good results, so we shall see what happens! Regardless it will be a fun learning experience for me, my husband and our daughter! If this goes well I have a lady asking me to set around 50 barred rocks for her!! Then I want to do an Easter hatch for some friends.....I can see this becoming addicting in a hurry!
I set 4 from my ladies just to test the incubator. It's a mixed flock, but I know the 1 egg for sure is from our buff orpington roo and our amber hybrid hen. The other 3 could be from amber hybrids, a buff orpington hen, barred rocks or red sex links, all w/ our buff orpington roo. We have a few more hens than the "NORMAL" rooster can cover, but he takes that personally and decides to prove to us how many hens he actually can cover on his own for fear of us getting another rooster lol. This is just for fun to see how we do at hatching and since this is our brand new incubator. I have checked their fertility in the past and had good results, so we shall see what happens! Regardless it will be a fun learning experience for me, my husband and our daughter! If this goes well I have a lady asking me to set around 50 barred rocks for her!! Then I want to do an Easter hatch for some friends.....I can see this becoming addicting in a hurry!

Oh yeah, without an incubator I've already accumulated 75 chickens... now I've got 42 eggs in the incubator, set on Feb 10th, and it's my first time incubating! My eggs sound like a mix very similar to yours; the guy had a Buff Orp roo, and then hens were white leghorns, brown leghorns, black sex-links, red sex-links, and some mutts of those breeds in there as well.

So today is Day 1... thus, it begins.
So does today equal day 5? I took my 4 eggs into my closet (I know I couldn't help it and wait til dark lol) and I *think* I seen something in all 4! Of course I don't know what I'm looking for lol. I need to research that. Hows yours a coming?
awww :-( What should they look like at this point? Is there a site or thread somewhere that shows you what candling should look like at different stages?

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