Setting today who's with me?!?

My Rhodebars started started piping last night. 5 out of the shell now and doing great. One piped while I was at the Dr.s this morning and it died
That's great about the Rhodebars! Sorry to hear about the one at the Drs though. We'd love to see pics of the littles when you have time!
Nothing moving here either. Out of 41 eggs I only have hope for two in the incubator and we will see about the six under the broody. I had a really hard time regulating temps here. One day it was freezing cold and the next morning it was 80 degrees and my incubator was running way too hot. A few days later it got cold again and it was running too cold. Better a bit too cold than a bit too warm though, right? The neighbor kid was looking into the incubator this morning and asked me if the eggs make noise, so here's hoping he heard chicks and not a bird outside chirping.
I have one little wet feather footed chick under my broody right now. Here's hoping the other five also hatch.
Nothing moving here either. Out of 41 eggs I only have hope for two in the incubator and we will see about the six under the broody. I had a really hard time regulating temps here. One day it was freezing cold and the next morning it was 80 degrees and my incubator was running way too hot. A few days later it got cold again and it was running too cold. Better a bit too cold than a bit too warm though, right? The neighbor kid was looking into the incubator this morning and asked me if the eggs make noise, so here's hoping he heard chicks and not a bird outside chirping.

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