"Settling" Shipped Eggs: Necessary? With Auto-Turner?

So sorry....I wish the best for you! If I could send you eggs, I would. I have never shipped eggs before...but in the fall i will have Showgirls and Silkies from breeder quality stock.

I know you were looking forward to them and I hope some hatch and they are all pullets!!

i'll take some! seriously! i know you've never shipped, but would you be willing? i understand hatching silkies can be difficult and double that if they're shipped. but i'm willing to try again later.
Thought I'd show a pic of how the PO treated my eggs

these are the ones that didn't make it...no wonder...and when I candled, I saw one with a smaller crack, but will hold out...so again, 13 out of 24.....all have wobbly air cells save 2....they have just bubbles...

The two that look ok in the pic actually have deep puncture type cracks in them....like when a hen pecks her egg....

i have never in all my days seen anything so messy and horrible with shipped eggs. but i gotta agree, they should've used bubble wrap.
What happened was when i tried to get the broken eggs out...the newspaper stuck to them like glue. I know the seller said she had eggs shipped to her in this exact package and had only 3/36 break.I think she tried, but the dang trip was too far! I should have known better! Anyway, she was replacing some chicks that I had ordered that didn't make it(I lost all but 7 of 25 BLRW's) so she paid for 12 hatching eggs and the shipping....I paid for 12 eggs....and I have 13 eggs left...meaning i paid 42.00 for one egg

The seller is a great person, I think it's just too dang far to go...Ca to NY....I won't do that again!
I have BLRW (foley line) hatching eggs in now. If you decide to try again with that breed let me know or PM me i can give you the info for the seller i used

The one that packed them very very well...! i bet all if not almost all would get to you in one piece!

I bet about the glue thing! holy cow, i could only imagine trying to pull all that paper off....

What happened was when i tried to get the broken eggs out...the newspaper stuck to them like glue. I know the seller said she had eggs shipped to her in this exact package and had only 3/36 break.I think she tried, but the dang trip was too far! I should have known better! Anyway, she was replacing some chicks that I had ordered that didn't make it(I lost all but 7 of 25 BLRW's) so she paid for 12 hatching eggs and the shipping....I paid for 12 eggs....and I have 13 eggs left...meaning i paid 42.00 for one egg

The seller is a great person, I think it's just too dang far to go...Ca to NY....I won't do that again!
I have BLRW (foley line) hatching eggs in now. If you decide to try again with that breed let me know or PM me i can give you the info for the seller i used

The one that packed them very very well...! i bet all if not almost all would get to you in one piece!

I bet about the glue thing! holy cow, i could only imagine trying to pull all that paper off....

Well, depending on what i get from this hatch, I will probably go with a breeder in a closer state and get chicks...I'm scared of shipped hatching eggs now...LOL, but you could PM me the info for future reference if you don't mind :)
I agree that the packing job in that photo is not good, NYRIR, despite the fact that you said the seller did a good job in your first post about these broken eggs. In my limited experience, shipping in an egg carton is just not OK. My eggs in bubble wrap, double boxed, all arrived in perfect condition. The eggs that came in egg cartons (which were first wrapped in bubble wrap before being placed in the carton) were scrambled and broken. I will never again order eggs unless they are packed by the double box method. Sellers can say "no guarantee" on shipped eggs all they want, and I'm OK with that as long as they've taken every precaution, but if you get carelessly (or if the seller simply does not have an understanding of what good packing IS) packed eggs, "no guarantees" begins to seem like a cop-out. People's skills and understanding of physics vary widely. The eggs I got that were broken might have been packed OK, but then the egg carton was placed inside a box with too little cushioning, so the carton itself was just shaken around inside the shipping box. The seller didn't understand about over-packing (UPS recommends adding 15% too much packing material so that it is compacted around the item being shipped when the box is sealed). My pics are as bad as that, but I can't find them at the moment or I'd post one.
I agree that the packing job in that photo is not good, NYRIR, despite the fact that you said the seller did a good job in your first post about these broken eggs. In my limited experience, shipping in an egg carton is just not OK. My eggs in bubble wrap, double boxed, all arrived in perfect condition. The eggs that came in egg cartons (which were first wrapped in bubble wrap before being placed in the carton) were scrambled and broken. I will never again order eggs unless they are packed by the double box method. Sellers can say "no guarantee" on shipped eggs all they want, and I'm OK with that as long as they've taken every precaution, but if you get carelessly (or if the seller simply does not have an understanding of what good packing IS) packed eggs, "no guarantees" begins to seem like a cop-out. People's skills and understanding of physics vary widely. The eggs I got that were broken might have been packed OK, but then the egg carton was placed inside a box with too little cushioning, so the carton itself was just shaken around inside the shipping box. The seller didn't understand about over-packing (UPS recommends adding 15% too much packing material so that it is compacted around the item being shipped when the box is sealed). My pics are as bad as that, but I can't find them at the moment or I'd post one.

Really? I thought it should have been enough.I have researched on here though and people seem to like the bubble wrap double boxed best...then after that the egg foam with the plugs..I think when I ship eggs if I ever do, I will bubble wrap and double box....it's really a bummer to get a box of broken eggs in the mail when you are so looking forward to them being incubated
especially if you pay $30 for the eggs or more and $15 for shipping!

Really? I thought it should have been enough.I have researched on here though and people seem to like the bubble wrap double boxed best...then after that the egg foam with the plugs..I think when I ship eggs if I ever do, I will bubble wrap and double box....it's really a bummer to get a box of broken eggs in the mail when you are so looking forward to them being incubated
I know...I didn't pay shipping since the seller was trying to compensate for lost chicks.She covered for a dozen eggs and shipping. I ordered 12 more eggs hoping to get a good number to choose from the hatch for breeders.So, ultimately, at 3.50 an egg...I bought one 42.00 egg.

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