"Settling" Shipped Eggs: Necessary? With Auto-Turner?

I'm new to candling, so what do people mean when they say the egg cell is floating? I can't see ANY air bubble in any of these eggs. What am I looking for?

Check posts 138 and 139! I did a reply instead of quote. So the answers at the far end of the posts on I think page 14!
Just a quick update...I have six shipped lavender showgirl eggs day. 21 today...wasn't holding out any hope that these would hatch as all of them had crazy air cells. (saddle cells etc). Seriously, the air cell was bigger the chick on day 17 and running down both sides....:/ so I put them in lockdown a day early in cut down egg cartons...which I have never done in the past. I just heard some peeping a few minutes ago! Not alot of peeping but definately peeping!!!!!!

NOTE : I let these eggs sit for 48 hours before I put them in the bator with the turner...

OH geez! Pllllleeeeaaaseeee let these hatch!
The eggs I received *might* have been OK if the seller had only added some more cushion to the top of the box. If you leave two inches of empty space at the top, you're just asking for trouble. You need to cushion each egg individually, and then also FILL the box with material so the eggs don't get shaken around inside. I used to work at a place that shipped hundreds of boxes a day, and I can say for sure that if you filled out a claim with UPS for a shipment that was packed like that, they would refuse to cover it due to shipper error (improper packing).

And thanks for the tips on the air cell, Featherfarmer...I can see inside the blue eggs clearly, but these Marans eggs are still kind of tricky for me. They go into lockdown tomorrow, so I'm still hoping for the best.
Hi all!

Came across your thread and read thru every single post. I am so new to chickens that I don't even have any yet! After a lot of research on this site, I made my own incubator. A friend sent me some of her Silver Spangled Hamburg eggs (which she had never done before) and I let them sit for 12 hours or so, then popped them into the bator. Unfortunately, I did not see this thread first, and being my first attempt I had a lot to learn. After about 6 days I candled them. Well, let's just say it is all a learning process. I did gain something, but it wasn't chickens... not yet anyway!
I researched more. I am going to attempt the dry incubation method next time. I also found Chook's Chicks Cheat sheet and bought the 3 fish tank thermometers -BIG difference in recorded temp there. I have been researching for hatcheries that are within driving distance instead of mail ordering if possible, or at least ground delivery and not air delivery. One day I will have those little fluffy butts running around, but I'm just impatient for it to happen I guess. I keep researching on this site, listening to everyone's experience. It's great that we can all learn from each other. If it were up to me to learn every bit of this on my own, I don't know if I would have the patience to keep trying. Science, Nature, Patience.. how do I make this all work together? My incubator is ready to try again. I will find some local yard mutts to see if my bator is set right. Once I know the bator is good, I will try the breeds I want, even if they are mail order. So maybe, just maybe...one day there will be chickies running around the yard.
Good luck with hatching everyone. Sounds like your shared experiences will help the hatching numbers greatly. Maybe me too one day.
Just a quick update...I have six shipped lavender showgirl eggs day. 21 today...wasn't holding out any hope that these would hatch as all of them had crazy air cells. (saddle cells etc). Seriously, the air cell was bigger the chick on day 17 and running down both sides....
so I put them in lockdown a day early in cut down egg cartons...which I have never done in the past. I just heard some peeping a few minutes ago! Not alot of peeping but definately peeping!!!!!!

NOTE : I let these eggs sit for 48 hours before I put them in the bator with the turner...

OH geez! Pllllleeeeaaaseeee let these hatch!


I have 2 developing...that I can see. Sitting in LG with a fan, (decided on more even heat) still not turning until Tuesday night which will make Day 7 no turning.Humidity at 32 % Temp at 99-100.

I have 2 developing...that I can see. Sitting in LG with a fan, (decided on more even heat) still not turning until Tuesday night which will make Day 7 no turning.Humidity at 32 % Temp at 99-100.

I set some shipped eggs on the 6th and I'm waiting to turn mine too. I candled 2 of the lighter ones and the air cells were loose, don't know how loose, I just slightly tilted and when I saw them move I just set them in the unplugged turner and wait. Lots of dark eggs in there, had a busted egg that slime's most of the box, I had to wash them (yes,
I know, but all that slime, the bacteria would have spread to the entire bator. I already had eggs on day 14 in the bator and knew I'd have another batch to go in the next week). The eggs were wrapped in bubble wrap but then packed tightly into a box, that was set inside a bigger box filled with shavings/sawdust. I think it might be better to have some absorbent packing between the eggs and to not pack them tightly against each other.
I will stay at 30 % or below humidity, and keep my fingers crossed.
update, this evening will be day 7 without turner on and i have two that are def. developing out of 17 blrw. :-( i will still give the other time but im not hopeful. going to plug the turner on this pm. nyrir, our hatch days will be the same!
First of all I would like to address an issue with your hatching eggs being shipped and delivered by the postal service. I am sure that the rules are all the same everywhere and postal carriers or sub contractors are not allowed to leave packages out in the open and they can only leave them if you have filled out the white card they hand out that everyone has to fill out telling who all will be receiving mail at that address. There is a box there that you have to check if you give your permission for them to leave a package. They cannot leave them hanging on mail boxes or laying under mail boxes or on a porch that is not covered. My advice would be is that if you are expecting hatching eggs contact your carrier and tell them when that package comes into the post office that morning for delivery that they are to call you immediately and let you know that the package is there and that way you can tell them exactly what you want them to do with it and you know it is there and you can be waiting on it or have someone there to get you eggs and un-wrap them and put them in egg cartons.

Now, I usually let mine set for 24 hours before placing them in the incubator and then I don't turn them for 24 hours after putting them in the incubator. I have success with this method but I feel like there is no sure fired method with shipped eggs but I do know that you need to let them rest for a period of time and try to work out the air bubbles and get everything re-situated where everything belongs.
First of all I would like to address an issue with your hatching eggs being shipped and delivered by the postal service. I am sure that the rules are all the same everywhere and postal carriers or sub contractors are not allowed to leave packages out in the open and they can only leave them if you have filled out the white card they hand out that everyone has to fill out telling who all will be receiving mail at that address. There is a box there that you have to check if you give your permission for them to leave a package. They cannot leave them hanging on mail boxes or laying under mail boxes or on a porch that is not covered. My advice would be is that if you are expecting hatching eggs contact your carrier and tell them when that package comes into the post office that morning for delivery that they are to call you immediately and let you know that the package is there and that way you can tell them exactly what you want them to do with it and you know it is there and you can be waiting on it or have someone there to get you eggs and un-wrap them and put them in egg cartons.

Now, I usually let mine set for 24 hours before placing them in the incubator and then I don't turn them for 24 hours after putting them in the incubator. I have success with this method but I feel like there is no sure fired method with shipped eggs but I do know that you need to let them rest for a period of time and try to work out the air bubbles and get everything re-situated where everything belongs.

I received two packages of shipped egg's in a week about 3 weeks ago, and neither time i had to sign a thing. interesting.
We only sign for "Return Receipt Required" or "Registered Mail". Our boxes are routinely left either on the porch, or sometimes, in the cab of the truck in bad weather.

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