"Settling" Shipped Eggs: Necessary? With Auto-Turner?

I'm not sure why the tips on receiving packages form the post office are here. My post office would definitely not hold a package on arrival. It's much too big a place to pay attention and look for one person's package. Perhaps things are different in small towns. My carriers routinely leave packages on the porch without even knocking, and I've never filled out any type of authorization. Of course, I always know when the package is expected, so I look for it.
update, this evening will be day 7 without turner on and i have two that are def. developing out of 17 blrw. :-( i will still give the other time but im not hopeful. going to plug the turner on this pm. nyrir, our hatch days will be the same!

I have 2 I have some hope for...and a third I am not sure of out of 13 eggs that I started.So I believe I have 2 possible 21.00 chicks
. We'll see....the air cells were ridiculously damaged so I got a lot of blood rings...grrrr.....
I'm not sure why the tips on receiving packages form the post office are here. My post office would definitely not hold a package on arrival. It's much too big a place to pay attention and look for one person's package. Perhaps things are different in small towns. My carriers routinely leave packages on the porch without even knocking, and I've never filled out any type of authorization. Of course, I always know when the package is expected, so I look for it.
Yep, my small town is different...but typically people just have them come right to the door...
I'm picking up 6 Turkey hatching eggs this morning. These eggs will not be put in incubator but under a broody Cochin. This thread started as a question about settling eggs, but after reading the first 6 pages it has dealt with incubators. Which is fine, of course :) And I'm sorry if pages 7 through 15 discussed this again and I missed it!
However, I want to know about settling my turkey eggs before placing them under broody. I've gotten and understand the 70-75 degrees and that won't be a problem. My question has more to do with how and how long to settle eggs before slipping them under the broody. Since I'll be picking them up this morning - then going to work - I need to know where/how to put them until this evening. I know the hen doesn't sit on them pointy side down, so should I lay them on a towel on their sides or pointy side down in a carton (tilted or no?)?
Then, can I slip them under her tonight or wait until tomorrow night? I really need a good hatch rate (as good as possible for hatched eggs)!
Thank you, thank you!
I'm picking up 6 Turkey hatching eggs this morning. These eggs will not be put in incubator but under a broody Cochin. This thread started as a question about settling eggs, but after reading the first 6 pages it has dealt with incubators. Which is fine, of course :) And I'm sorry if pages 7 through 15 discussed this again and I missed it!
However, I want to know about settling my turkey eggs before placing them under broody. I've gotten and understand the 70-75 degrees and that won't be a problem. My question has more to do with how and how long to settle eggs before slipping them under the broody. Since I'll be picking them up this morning - then going to work - I need to know where/how to put them until this evening. I know the hen doesn't sit on them pointy side down, so should I lay them on a towel on their sides or pointy side down in a carton (tilted or no?)?
Then, can I slip them under her tonight or wait until tomorrow night? I really need a good hatch rate (as good as possible for hatched eggs)!
Thank you, thank you!

I would say it all depends on what your air cells look like. We are "settling" the eggs to help the air cells stabilize, and in many cases we are setting them up to actually heal broken air cells in which case you would not want to lay them on their side and they would not be good candidates for setting under a broody. Since you are setting under a broody, you may want to address that question on a thread about broodys like this one--- https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/...ody-hen-hatch-a-long-and-informational-thread

Speaking of--- I just got a call from the PO my boxes are here. One is Guinea eggs I hope to put under my 2 broodys.
I will settle them till tommrow morning candleing them tonight. The other box is from a breeder I have ordered from before, the eggs were in top shape, only a couple wonky air cell, nothing serious last batch. Hope these are the same. She is a great packer.
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Thank you for the response, and for the link. I will check that out. I started to candle, but after candling eggs over the last two years, and reading tons of posts and looking at tons more pics, I'm still not sure what I'm looking at/for. The turkey egg I looked at this morning had what I think was a "blank" spot (air cell?) at the very pointy tip. Since I know I suck at candling and don't know what I'm doing, I didn't look at any more.
I got the eggs from Nancy Garry (handle: bargain) and she packed them beautifully. And she prays over each one so I know they are blessed! I know the lady at my little town PO so I know she cared for them - who knows about the people in between Nancy and Sydney (at the PO). They only came from GA, and I'm in SE TN, too. Now it's just up to me to not mess things up ;-)
I've got them in a carton pointy side down in the gust bathroom which is warm because I've got my MPC chicks in there. Rest of the house is kind of cold because we had a couple of 30+ degree nights and we haven't turned the heat back on in the house! I think they'll be fine there. Now I just need to read more and figure out whether to put them under the broody tonight after bedtime (around 9pm, with the eggs settling for 10 hours, or wait until tomorrow night.
Thanks again!
lol nyrir, i laughed when i read your response. my two possibles are gonna be 17.50 apiece if they hatch. not sure im gonna attempt shipped eggs again. this is my second attempt. first try, 8 eggs came from tennessee, and only 1 hatched. it was a 35 dollar baby. these came from ohio, and i thought since they didnt have to travel so far, i might have better luck......not so far. i am thinking next spring, ill just take a road trip to pick up chicks and skip the whole incubating disaster. :-(
Quote: I think they might hold your packages. I know when you print shipping labels online at USPS.com they have a box to select hold for pick up and ask for the phone number. Don't think they would offer this option if the post office won't hold it.

Quote: My worst hatch with shipped eggs cost me $165.00 and got nothing. The post office took 7 days to deliver and when I got the box I have to pay almost $4 more for shipping, because the seller was short on the shipping. Half the eggs were cracked or smashed, some looked like they had started to develop, some were already rotten, and the few left had detached air cells. The seller didn't replace them.
So, if I'm going combine shipped eggs and some of my own there shouldn't be any issue with my eggs sitting unturned along with shipped ones for 7 days or what have you?


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