Several hens missing feathers under chin, What could be happening?


9 Years
Aug 18, 2014
Needville Texas
My Coop
My Coop
I have a flock of about 75 hens and 2 roosters that free range daily. I noticed lately that there are approximately 7 -9 hens that are missing feathers from right under their beak.
It is such a strange place, I noticed that the majority are EE hens, with a salmon faverolle thrown into the mix.
I first noticed it with the favorelle. Feathers were there one day and gone the next.
Could the nighttime Nats, mosquitoes cause them to scratch it all in one night?
I am going to spray for mosquitos tommorow night, just to be safe.
We are in south Texas, so kind of hard to knock out the mosquito population.
Any other suggestions of what it could be with such a small percentage of hens?
Thanks in advance.
I have included a few pics of the girls, so you can see what I am talking about! 02F3A0A3-0200-4933-9285-60FACA6B4B11.jpeg 1FF1EE41-6EA2-4B00-97CA-31196485FF28.jpeg A325A69F-3D3F-47B8-99B6-AAD78CC1EA1D.jpeg
How strange! I'm having a similar issue with 1 barred rock in my own small flock of 17. She has lost feathers on just the left side of neck. I suspect in this case there's a grouchy older lady. Perhaps it's mites? They come out at night and harder to see them in day. It's a big debate regarding use of diatomaceous earth but I use it and I think it works well.
Totally off subject of chickens, where are you in TX? We used to live in SA and I loved it. Miss it every day.
How strange! I'm having a similar issue with 1 barred rock in my own small flock of 17. She has lost feathers on just the left side of neck. I suspect in this case there's a grouchy older lady. Perhaps it's mites? They come out at night and harder to see them in day. It's a big debate regarding use of diatomaceous earth but I use it and I think it works well.
Totally off subject of chickens, where are you in TX? We used to live in SA and I loved it. Miss it every day.
Yes, after doing more and more research I can only come up with 2 possibilities.
1. Mites
2. Grouchy hen
I know it’s not the roosters, and I am very cautious when it comes to sharp objects that they can get caught on.
The skin is not irritated, or red in anyway. I thought it would be Ins the case of mites and them scratching it off.
I will take another look at them today and just double check.
I in Needville(small town outside of Sugarland/Houston area)
LET ME Ask you this, do you really miss the heat and humidity?
San Antonio is nice, where did you move to?
Yes, after doing more and more research I can only come up with 2 possibilities.
1. Mites
2. Grouchy hen
I know it’s not the roosters, and I am very cautious when it comes to sharp objects that they can get caught on.
The skin is not irritated, or red in anyway. I thought it would be Ins the case of mites and them scratching it off.
I will take another look at them today and just double check.
I in Needville(small town outside of Sugarland/Houston area)
LET ME Ask you this, do you really miss the heat and humidity?
San Antonio is nice, where did you move to?
I know Sugarland! Ok no I don't miss the heat but I never thought SA was too humid compared to lots of other places. We are now in Minnesota. Talk about a culture shock. But after 15 yrs here, I feel more or less at home. We have beautiful summers and falls which keeps me going thru the winters. My chickens hate the snow. Not even a toenail out from the run (which is covered) Good luck with your flock and the feather thing. It's alway something going on.
I've seen both Easter eggers and faverolle get their muffs and chins plucked by other birds. I would assume that's what is going on with your flock too.
I've seen both Easter eggers and faverolle get their muffs and chins plucked by other birds. I would assume that's what is going on with your flock too.
Ok thanks,
Yes that what it seems to be. As far as I can tell anyway.
I sprayed tonight, so at least that should provide some relief as far as nighttime bugs.
While I was spraying I saw mice scamper away.
Ahhh... I guess it’s time to shred the field and prepare myself for the onslaught of rodents!!!

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