Sevin Dust 10% - Will that be okay if I cut it 50% powder


14 Years
Sep 26, 2008
Huntingdon- West Tn
I have a brand new bag of 10% Sevin Dust. I know that most people on here have recommended 5% Sevin dust. If I bought a cheap bottle of Baby powder and cut the Sevin in Half do you think that would be okay? Money is tight and I need to make do with everything I already have here. Thanks for any input!! Hope everybody is having a great day!
I would use the 10% (I know about money being tight!) but very sparingly. I'm not sure if baby powder and all of its chemicals and fragrances would make a new problem.

Are you using the Sevin as a preventative measure or so you have a problem with mites or lice?

If the bag is new and you purchased it recently could you return it? If you don't have the receipt many stores will gladly exchange it for you or give you store credit. Just let them know that you bought the wrong strength.
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