Sewing on flannel


Green Eggs and Hamlet
12 Years
Jul 7, 2007
Middle TN
I am making pajamas for my nieces and bought some cute lightweight flannel. I haven't washed it and it is still kind of stiff. I know you are supposed to wash fabric before you sew it, but it sure would be easier to cut out and sew with it still a little stiff. Do we think it would be okay to wash the pjs after construction?
I know your supposed to wash fabric before sewing but I never wash it. I like the way it is when it's still starched. LOL I love pajamas when they are just made and look new not washed alrea
Yes, you can wash it after you sew...but remember that flannel is cotton and will shrink some when washed.
It is usually in the length so allow a little extra when you hem them. I usually allow an extra 1/2 inch.
Besides children seem to grow in the spring.
Just a comment - whenever I sew with flannel, I need to cleanout the sewing machine more often. That fuzz gets underneath in the bobbin area and causes it to tangle up the bobbin thread.

Personally, for PJ's I would probably wash it to pre-shrink it - then I would iron and starch it.

It is a nice effect on a quilt when the flannel pieces all shrink up in different directions and different amounts. That makes the quilt seem so cozy.
PJ's - maybe not so much if the pieces shrink in different directions.
Thanks, y'all! I will go the wash it and iron it route then. I don't want to go through all the effort to make them just to have them shrink funny. This weekend is the sewing marathon. Wish me luck!
I was warned when planning to sew with cotton flannel that it doesn't just shrink - it's a "progressive shrinker" so I washed mine three times before cutting. And YES flannel fuzzes up a machine every bit as badly as fleece does.
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