Sex Link Cross?? Offspring??


Oct 7, 2017
My Coop
My Coop
Hi! I'm incubating my Black Sex Link Hen's eggs. The Cock is an Americauna. Do you know what the offspring will be or look like? :confused:

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The chicks won't be sex links, so you won't know if they're boys or girls until later. What they'll look like depends on the color pattern of the Ameraucana. But likely most or all of the chicks will have beards, muffs, and pea combs. And they will probably be a little larger than Ameraucana and a little smaller than black sex links. Is the rooster a true Ameraucana or an Easter egger?
The chicks won't be sex links, so you won't know if they're boys or girls until later. What they'll look like depends on the color pattern of the Ameraucana. But likely most or all of the chicks will have beards, muffs, and pea combs. And they will probably be a little larger than Ameraucana and a little smaller than black sex links. Is the rooster a true Ameraucana or an Easter egger?
Pretty sure he is. Let me find a pic :)

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