Sex link preference - red gold or brown?


8 Years
Apr 7, 2013
Northern California
I am thinking about adding a few sex links to my flock to boost egg numbers. Hoping flock master s that have had a variety can chime in on which are their favorites? Most I've chatted with only have experience with either red or black.
I have never had red or gold sex links, but my black sex link girls are wonderful! They are super sweet, and lay every day! They were one of our first to lay. I definitely recommend them! :)
The black do seem to have a following! I am just partial to birds with reds and browns :) Maybe subconsciously I am trying to get birds to match my wheaten and welsummers :lol:
The black do seem to have a following! I am just partial to birds with reds and browns :) Maybe subconsciously I am trying to get birds to match my wheaten and welsummers :lol:

Well, black sex links have a gold color on their chest if that counts :lol:

On a side note though, my ISA browns are also wonderful layers if you really want brown chickens :)
Also though, the sex links aren't only black looking- they get a really pretty purple and green sheen on their feathers in the light. I will stop trying to peer pressure you now :lol:
We picked up a red one and a black one earlier this year and I have to say, the black one is my favorite! She is so sweet and easy to handle. She has beautiful golden coloring around her neck and as @Arya28 pointed out, they have beautiful iridescent back feathers. I will say the red has been the better egg layer though -- She started laying first and lays more consistently. Here's a picture of the 2 SL with my Wyandotte. They're all six months old now..


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Goodness! The amount of peer pressure to get a BSL! :lol:
Thanks for the pic. I had no idea they could have so much of that golden red in them. They are quite pretty aren't they? Ok- I am convinced. I won't rule out a BSL.;)
However I am really looking for an uber egg-layer (as mellow and calm as possible) to fill the gap my older girls are leaving. A 6 egg per week would be ideal. Sounds like a red might be more likely to lay more?

Any other votes out there?
Goodness! The amount of peer pressure to get a BSL! :lol:
Thanks for the pic. I had no idea they could have so much of that golden red in them. They are quite pretty aren't they? Ok- I am convinced. I won't rule out a BSL.;)
However I am really looking for an uber egg-layer (as mellow and calm as possible) to fill the gap my older girls are leaving. A 6 egg per week would be ideal. Sounds like a red might be more likely to lay more?

Any other votes out there?

I don't have another color sex link other than my black ones. We have some chickens that we got for egg laying and some we got for heritage breeding/ornamental purposes. As far as our egg layers go, some of our best our the BSLs, our ISA Browns, our Buff Orpington, and even my Silkie! I think you would really like the ISA browns if you don't have them, they look a lot like a red sex link, and they lay every day. Our one ISA browns started before some of the hens who are couple weeks older than they are. They lag really big, really dark brown eggs. Our buff Orpington also lays every day, a large pink/light brown egg. And my silkie, lays every day, which surprises me! (Though she hadn't gone broody yet, so we'll see how that goes). Her eggs are actually a pretty good size, and she was also one of the first to lay. Though most people recommend silkies for ornamental or pet purposes and not egg laying purposes, I was pleasantly surprised! She's a sweetheart. They all have good temperaments too.

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