Sex Link Question


Dec 31, 2018
Wister, OK
I have a New Hampshire roo and a white leghorn/White ameracauna mix hen (so an EE).

If I hatch out these hen's eggs, will they be sex linked?

If I cross my NH roo with any white hen, will it give me sex links?
Red cock over silver hens produces red sex links. The leghorn was silver but don't know if the parent of EE was. Not all white chickens are carry silver genetics. The hen in question being a mutt could only be split for silver.

The short of it is IDK, maybe. If it does then both parents of EE carried silver.
The EE hen can't be split for silver.
She has to be one or the other. Either silver or gold.
Dominate white from the leghorn doesn't cover gold so even if she's white if she shows any gold, buff, etc. then she isn't silver.
With all that I still wouldn't know because there's too many 7unknowns going on.
White birds aren't the best choice for sex links. They can work if they have the right genes but with white its often impossible to know what all they do carry.
OP needs to look for solve based hens instead of white ones.
I have a New Hampshire roo and a white leghorn/White ameracauna mix hen (so an EE).

If I hatch out these hen's eggs, will they be sex linked?

If I cross my NH roo with any white hen, will it give me sex links?

Most White Leghorns I have dealt with are either Birchen(ER, Silver based) or Extended Black, White Ameraucanas are recessive white and Extended Black under it(at least that how the story goes), you have about the worst combination for looking for sex linked traits in the cross you are looking for

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