Sexing 12 week old chicks (resolved)


6 Years
Aug 10, 2017
These all look like cockerels to me. Am I correct?

Silver Laced Wyandotte

Easter Egger

Blue Silkie
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Can't see the tail, but I think your silver laced wyandotte is a pullet. As their color changes the lacing tends to make the feathers look pointy even on the girls at this age. I was convince my SLW was a boy for ages, but she was the first to start laying ;) The color looks really even on her. If you look at photos of males you will see that they get a lot of white on their backs.
Can't see the tail, but I think your silver laced wyandotte is a pullet. As their color changes the lacing tends to make the feathers look pointy even on the girls at this age. I was convince my SLW was a boy for ages, but she was the first to start laying ;) The color looks really even on her. If you look at photos of males you will see that they get a lot of white on their backs.

Thank you for saying that, now I feel less stupid! It’s the pointy-ness of the neck feathers that was throwing me off!

Thanks for your help, everyone!

Silkie is a cockerel. Wyandotte and Easter Egger are pullets.

Point for me on sexing a Silkie! ;)
The EE is a pullet. I'm thinking pullet on the SLW too, but looks like some red wattles there. Could you get a picture of the front of the comb, and a pic of the saddle feathers? The silkie is a cockerel. How I tell, is at twelve weeks, that is a large comb, (indicating cockerel), and he has a spiky crest. (also indicating male) hope this helps!

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