Sexing 9 week old Rhode Island reds

No one else has birds local to me so it definitely came from my lot, would it make any difference that they are bantams? I only have 2 pekin hens, both broody with eggs/ chicks right now and frizzle hen that hatched the Rhodies out.
I've been expecting the combs to grow rapidly in the last few weeks but nope nothing is really happening with them
I'm keeping an eye out for saddle feathers but I know it's a tad early for those
I feel like it's more likely for bantam hens to crow, though maybe it's just that my lot are loony. 🤭 In my experience, though, bantam cockerels tend to comb up even faster than their large fowl counterparts, so definitely odd that there's no comb at all on any of them if one is a male. 🤔

12 weeks is the average age for saddle feathers to emerge, so I'd say check back in then and we'll see. But I don't see larger feet (at least, the pictures with all of them together all look similarly sized to me), any comb or wattles to speak of, or any of the other markers I look for to pinpoint males, like darkened patches or glinty feathers on the shoulders.
This was last week, no sign of any shiny pointed feathers around the neck, one has dark feathers coming around the neck. They are all very similar in size for feet, one had slightly chunkier legs, noticeable right from hatching.
Two have tails that are quite short and "soft" feathers and one has a more rigid tail.
I will update pictures next week


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Since they all look nearly identical...if one's crowing and a rooster...they all could be! I'd just give it a few more weeks to declare themselves and not make any major decisions right now
All do look like pullets.
I do find it weird that one is crowing, as none look like boys to me. Could just be a crowing pullet though, from what I've seen bantam females are usually the ones to crow instead of standard size breeds.
I say the only way to really know is to look out for male specific feathering.
Here's an updated picture of the Rhodies
One went "missing" so down to 2
What do we reckon? Still pullets?
13 weeks now

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