Sexing Assorted 5-6 Week Old Chicks


Apr 5, 2024
I have a bunch of chicks that I’m hoping are all (or at least mostly) pullets. Most of them came from a feed store, but a few from a breeder. They are all coming up on 5-6 weeks old, and are living in their coop/run full time now with some supplemental heat from a brooder plate at night still (nights are low 30s). Would love your input on sexing!

“Nugget” Easter Egger. Originally thought cockerel but now leaning towards pullet. I think the coloring on this chick is beautiful.


“Mama G” Easter Egger. Pretty confident pullet.


“Hammer” I think a White Plymouth Rock. I think pullet, but definitely the biggest of my chicks. You can see the size difference compared to my runty little Olive Egger.

“Genevieve” Black Copper Marans, “Jane” Rhode Island Red, and “Olivia” my runty Olive Egger. I think all pullets?

“Teton” Lavender Ameraucana. This is the one I’m most concerned is a cockerel.


“Winnie” Silver Laced Wyandotte. I’m also kinda concerned this one is a cockerel due to the pink in its comb and some wattles poking through.

“Flappy” Delaware

“Chelsea” Speckled Sussex with the White Plymouth Rock in the background.

“Fran” Golden Sex Link. Should be autosexing, so pretty confident on pullet but doesn’t hurt to check.

“Simone” Black Australorp

Total of 12 chicks! Thanks for your input. Looking forward to seeing your guesses. And open to recommendations on when to turn off the brooder plate at night in their coop? Supposed to get down to 29 degrees Thursday/Friday night but then back up to 30s and even 40s at night by next week.

Here’s a pic of their coop/run with my dad and toddler too!
Hi! Your birds are all so beautiful!! I'm leaning towards Flappy and Winnie being young boys and the rest being pullets! It'll be interesting to see other guesses too though!
Hi! Your birds are all so beautiful!! I'm leaning towards Flappy and Winnie being young boys and the rest being pullets! It'll be interesting to see other guesses too though!
Here’s a pic of your two “suspects” together. I’m holding out hope because I’ve heard wyandottes pink up early, and my Delaware has almost no black coloring. But who knows? Both were supposed to be pullets but we all know mistakes happen…


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Here’s a pic of your two “suspects” together. I’m holding out hope because I’ve heard wyandottes pink up early, and my Delaware has almost no black coloring. But who knows? Both were supposed to be pullets but we all know mistakes happen…
They are gorgeous!
I hope I'm wrong and very well could be, but Hammer looks like a Cornish cross.
Hammer was quite grey as a chick (on the right in this pic) and then grew in white. We named it hammer because we didn’t know what it was and so we called it “mystery chick” or “MC”…which morphed into “MC Hammer”. Lol. After some research I thought it was a Plymouth White Rock (also because the same feed store got in more the following week that looked the same and were labeled) but I could be wrong.


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