Sexing Jersey Giant Chicks

I'm pretty sure Jersey Giants are one of those "Wait and see" breeds. You could always vent sex them, but I have no idea how to do that. Some people swear on sexing chicks by looking at thier wings. (Females have two layers of primary feathers, males have one) As far as I know though, there's no tell tale physical trait the Giants have other than the feather sexing that will help you easily tell them apart.
Hope this helps.
I sex my birds by DNA feather sexing. The lab I use is only ten dollars no tax for 1 to 9 birds. So you can get 9 birds sexed for ONLY ten dollars. Its 100% accurate. The lab I use is called accumetrics in canada. It services all states. Simply mail the feathers. You can find it if you google accumetrics dna bird sexing and it should pop up.its super easy to do. once the lab gets the samples it takes about three days for results. You simply pluck out a couple chest feathers making sure the white of the Feather is present. Place the plucked feathers in a sample envelope identify the bird on the envelope and mail it too the lab. 9 birds for 10 dollars is a great bargain. I recommend expiditing the shipping because that's what takes the longest. Then you will know 100% what sex your birds are. You won't have to "wait and see" ..I use this for my silkie babies. It is a great piece of mind knowing the sex and its very easy and very affordable to do. many people don't yet know about DNA sex testing. If they have heard of it they assume its expensive. 9 birds dna sexed for only ten dollars no tax is a great deal! I personally have samples at the lab now. I should find out Monday what sex my birds are. I hope this helps you out.its really a great and affordable way to sex with complete accuracy. Just ask for a sample kit and they can send it for free or you can print out the form and use your own envelopes to speed up the process. You don't have to wait for their sample kit. Check out their website it explains everything and even shows a video on how to pluck the feathers. You can use blood or feathers I much perfer feathers. The Feather samples MUST be plucked shed feathers are not good to use. Its really easy. Hope this helps you out. This is how I sex my babies. Best wishes
I contacted that company and they wanted 10 dollars per bird! Thats 90 dollars for 9 birds plus shipping. Its still cheaper than any other dna place but def. Not ten bucks for nine tests.
I contacted that company and they wanted 10 dollars per bird! Thats 90 dollars for 9 birds plus shipping. Its still cheaper than any other dna place but def. Not ten bucks for nine tests.
Did you call and talk to them? Website says 1-9 birds $10.
I guess my concern is plucking a feather from each, how? And does it hurt and/or spook your chicks? New to raising and anxious to know what sex my chicks are but not sure if I could pluck :^/
Yes I called them and that's what they lady said to me "Its $10 per bird". Plucking is easy you go for the fresh blood feathers and pull them out quickly w a tweezers and put them in an envelope. sanitize the tweezers and wash your hands in between birds to avoid cross contamination. I opted not to pay that kind of money cause it is not pertinent to me the sex of the birds because I can rehome roosters relatively quickly. Blood feathers are feathers that are just protruding from the shaft. They are still growing so there is blood in the stem still.
Wow, ok, think I can be patient and wait to find out what sex they turn out to be, just kind of scares me a bit. Maybe I will be braver if I get future chicks. But thanks for the info! I am really enjoying raising chicks, so fun to watch them!
I bought one of each yesterday. The man showed me a little black spot on his neck, "That's your rooster". Now that they are home... darned if I cannot see a clear black spot! One has more white under the neck and (her) feet are not solid black, but she is bigger than the one with more black than white neck fluff and solid black feet. It is funny to call this little mini-Roo, a Jersey Giant! Love them both, however it turns out! We wanted a BIG rooster to help protect the flock when they are out on "limited" free range.

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