Sexing muscovy ducklings


In the Brooder
Aug 12, 2017
Vancouver Island
I just brought home 2 ducklings and I'm wondering what sex they are! I've no experience at all so I'm curious to know what others think. I believe they are 7 or 8 weeks?

I say the the lighter one is a ducklet, the darker one is a drakelet. At about 13 weeks, their primary wing feathers will start coming in--the girl will have hers in about a week ahead of the boys, so that's much more accurate.
They are Called Drakes and Hens from Duckling age...
Also they must be about 6 weeks old as they are just getting in feathers....
Keep waiting to sex them...Muscovy Drake Ducklings have thicker legs and bigger feet...
I'm going to say you are spot on with age.
The blue looks to be female, the black barred a male.
In another week or so you will know for sure as males will have bigger feet and thicker legs (thought that one already looks a bit larger than the blue)

Also, males will have a flat tail tip and females pointy at this age :)
Darn they do make a perfect pair but I don't think I can keep the drake :( they were sold to me as females because I need to keep them with my chickens. I guess I'll wait to find out for sure. To me they look identical except the colouring? Same feather growth and foot/leg size. But like I said I've never had anything except chickens
Darn they do make a perfect pair but I don't think I can keep the drake :( they were sold to me as females because I need to keep them with my chickens. I guess I'll wait to find out for sure. To me they look identical except the colouring? Same feather growth and foot/leg size. But like I said I've never had anything except chickens
In the next 3-4 weeks you should know for sure. Some males will be huge right from the start, others are slower to mature. But will go through a growth spurt. So give them a few weeks before you make a decision!

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