Sexing question - new pix


Positively Ducky
11 Years
Oct 2, 2008
My coturnix quail are a few weeks old now. I have been watching them feather out and I am not seeing anyone with redish feathers on the breast. In fact they are all pretty speckled. Do coturnix quail go through a period where they look like girls and then boys get their "big kid feathers"? Ducks do this, but quail? Could I be so lucky as to have 6 girls from chicks I bought straight run and just reached my hand in and grabbed who I could? Do I need to go by a lotto ticket??
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Wz You May Be Lucky.... I Have Seen The Odd Occaisional Androgenous Male That Has A Speckled Chest, But They Are Rare. More Likely You Hit The Str8 Run Jackpot Babay! Come On Down Here To Florida And Rub All Over My Incubators... Maybe Some Of That Mojo Will Rub Off On 'em?

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If there browns you can start to feather sex them at about 1 month old.... any earlier and your pee'in in the breeze!!! Bill
They are brown and just over two weeks old. I am trying not to get too excited, but the only other quail chick we had here was Zombie. you guys pegged him as being a boy pretty darn young. I'm trying to get picks, but come on. Quail are little spazzos!! HOLD STILL DARN YA!!!

Ok, I dug out zombie's baby pic.

And here is a pic a took a few days ago of a few of the new kids.

I will post new ones once I get back to the office. They look very spotted on the chest area now.
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I would'nt bet the farm for a least a week yet. I do hope your right thou. I have never been sure before around 4 weeks old. Bill
Yeah from that picture I could not be sure yet. They don't have enough spots down low in the center of the breast. Still too much fuzz.
Going out on a limb here... The second pic down and the bird on the left is a cock. Going by the darker rust colored lower facial marking just under the eye and the rust coloring on the breast. you may have hens for the rest. To be sure we need full on breast photos of each bird.

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