Sexlink Options?


Jun 27, 2022
Atlantic Canada
I’m considering getting a few more chicks this spring (just 1-2), but they need to be sexlinks because I can’t have roosters. I can only have 5-6 birds on my small town lot, but I do like some variety. I have two Easter Eggers who lay green eggs (does that make them olive Eggers?) and a Barred Rock. What are some interesting sexlinks that are easy to source? Locally, I know of someone who does Red Stars and Black Stars, and someone who does Mystic Marans. Are there any sexlinked bantams that are easy to find? My daughter also really wants a white chicken 😂 Any white sexlinks that you know of?
I'm in the USA, while I see that you are in Canada. Breed availability might be different.

Are there any sexlinked bantams that are easy to find? My daughter also really wants a white chicken 😂 Any white sexlinks that you know of?
Sexlinked bantams, or bantams that are sexed in any other way, are fairly rare, and typically quite expensive.

I would not expect to find any color-based sexlinks where the hens are white. This is because of what genes are able to be used for sexing chicks. The closest I would expect to find: some of the Red Star-type sexlinks do have quite a few white feathers in with the red ones. But they still have enough red to be obvious, so not really a white chicken.

Feather-sexable white chickens can exist, and I'm reasonably sure they do, but that won't really help you. If you look at a white chick and it has fast feathering, you have no way to know whether it's a feather-sexable female, or a purebred Leghorn (where both genders usually have fast feathering.) Likewise, a slow-feathering white chick might be a feather-sexable male, or it might be a purebred of a white breed where both genders feather slowly.
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Amber Stars/Amberlinks are white to predominantly white with occasional red or light reddish (Amber) on some of their feathers. They are either a sexlink or a feather sexed crossbreed. The opposite cross of an ISA Brown/Red Star from what I understand. They are a 4.5 to 5 lb bird, great layers, and the ones we have are very tame.

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