Shabby’s first adopt an egg hatch along!

I have started collecting eggs. They shall be put into the incubator on the 18th.
You get to adopt an egg. There will be 22 of them by then. I shall edit the list of eggs each time I collect them.
12A: a beautiful medium pink egg. Very extraordinary.
12B: a tan egg. Quite common, but lovely nonetheless. Probably came from one of my five Sapphire Gems.
12C: an egg as blue as the sky. The chick hatching from this egg will be the envy of all poultry keepers. Came from Moonshine or Clotted Cream.
12d: tan with dark brown specks.
12E: a green egg. Clotted Cream may have laid this
12F: like 12a.
the last 3 are avaible correct?

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