Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

I had been away from the UK and keeping chickens in the UK for over 15 years when I returned. Things have changed. Stuff I used to be able to get and could still get in Spain just isn’t easily available here anymore.

Of course, I left the bulk of my chicken care kit in Spain when I left. I had a lot of stuff right down to injectible antibiotics should I need them. I also had a really wonderful vet called Gloria who may well have thought me completely mad but had no doubt that I adored the tribes and was willing to learn. I learnt a lot of stuff from Gloria and can never thank her enough for putting up with me.

Looking at the ragged bunch living in the run it was apparent that I was going to need some kit.

This won’t be particularly helpful to those who don’t live in the UK but after much searching by chemical rather than by “for chickens” I got this lot together. I did bring my stitching kit and a few other injury related items with me from Spain. What I didn’t bring was the basic meds.

This is what I’ve mustered so far. I’m still having problems finding a decent high protein feed suitable for all the hens and Henry.


L to R.
Net Tex. It's Permethrin + basically. Probably not best suited to applying to chickens but for coops it will kill all live mites lice and as they say in the US, critters.

Life Systems.
This is straight Permethrin in a water carrier. It's a bit under 0.5%
I've used this on a couple of chickens now. It's much the same as the permethrin sprays in the USA but here they can't advertise it for animals.,aps,159&sr=8-3&sres=B002WN1S5Y,B07PP7X5DW,B07PM8BMGS,B00QPAMNTA,B0018BQ0MW,B07NYSS1RR,B082JJ5N9V,B0013V3H64,B07PGQJ9Q8,B082JJ42H8,B00SVDOZ9K,B00147V0AM,B000VRZ26Y,B084LBDTDB,B00CIZ0TVK,B01H5POS0A,B082JHQ124,B00AELWFFS,B07KK7XZYV,B07FS54PPV

Harkers 4 in 1.
It's my emergency treatment if I need to deal with mites,lice coccidiosis and some worms in a rush and in one hit. If it doesn't kill pigeons it wont kill chiickens either.,B003TLA1U6,B07G3HPS7F,B0029IQ1EA,B010E62DD6,B011AF4N0G,B00TYFGJ5M,B00FRZYKUE,B078J362YR,B005FVAZP4,B005M9LEWM,B010E62A2K,B00PP1AKEK,B00NE4IWUE,B0029X5K2O,B004FGF5SM,B0030U7G6S,B007E9A98I,B005M9LHXI,B005M9LILY

It's Ivermectin. I try not to use it especially for laying hens. It's effectiveness against worms is debatable but it does sort out leg mite and other blood suckers.,B0030U7G6S,B007E9A98I,B005M9LHXI,B005M9LILY

Harkers Coxoid. It's for coccidiosis.,B003TLA1U6,B07G3HPS7F,B0029IQ1EA,B010E62DD6,B011AF4N0G,B00TYFGJ5M,B00FRZYKUE,B078J362YR,B005FVAZP4,B005M9LEWM,B010E62A2K,B00PP1AKEK,B00NE4IWUE,B0029X5K2O,B004FGF5SM,B0030U7G6S,B007E9A98I,B005M9LHXI,B005M9LILY

Not in the picture because it's in the shed is this,
This is the stuff for internal parasites, worms basically. There is no egg restriction for this and it has a very wide dosage tolerance. There's an article in my articles page about how to work out dose per chicken.
I had been away from the UK and keeping chickens in the UK for over 15 years when I returned. Things have changed. Stuff I used to be able to get and could still get in Spain just isn’t easily available here anymore.

Of course, I left the bulk of my chicken care kit in Spain when I left. I had a lot of stuff right down to injectible antibiotics should I need them. I also had a really wonderful vet called Gloria who may well have thought me completely mad but had no doubt that I adored the tribes and was willing to learn. I learnt a lot of stuff from Gloria and can never thank her enough for putting up with me.

Looking at the ragged bunch living in the run it was apparent that I was going to need some kit.

This won’t be particularly helpful to those who don’t live in the UK but after much searching by chemical rather than by “for chickens” I got this lot together. I did bring my stitching kit and a few other injury related items with me from Spain. What I didn’t bring was the basic meds.

This is what I’ve mustered so far. I’m still having problems finding a decent high protein feed suitable for all the hens and Henry.

View attachment 2907367
L to R.
Net Tex. It's Permethrin + basically. Probably not best suited to applying to chickens but for coops it will kill all live mites lice and as they say in the US, critters.

Life Systems.
This is straight Permethrin in a water carrier. It's a bit under 0.5%
I've used this on a couple of chickens now. It's much the same as the permethrin sprays in the USA but here they can't advertise it for animals.,aps,159&sr=8-3&sres=B002WN1S5Y,B07PP7X5DW,B07PM8BMGS,B00QPAMNTA,B0018BQ0MW,B07NYSS1RR,B082JJ5N9V,B0013V3H64,B07PGQJ9Q8,B082JJ42H8,B00SVDOZ9K,B00147V0AM,B000VRZ26Y,B084LBDTDB,B00CIZ0TVK,B01H5POS0A,B082JHQ124,B00AELWFFS,B07KK7XZYV,B07FS54PPV

Harkers 4 in 1.
It's my emergency treatment if I need to deal with mites,lice coccidiosis and some worms in a rush and in one hit. If it doesn't kill pigeons it wont kill chiickens either.,B003TLA1U6,B07G3HPS7F,B0029IQ1EA,B010E62DD6,B011AF4N0G,B00TYFGJ5M,B00FRZYKUE,B078J362YR,B005FVAZP4,B005M9LEWM,B010E62A2K,B00PP1AKEK,B00NE4IWUE,B0029X5K2O,B004FGF5SM,B0030U7G6S,B007E9A98I,B005M9LHXI,B005M9LILY

It's Ivermectin. I try not to use it especially for laying hens. It's effectiveness against worms is debatable but it does sort out leg mite and other blood suckers.,B003TLA1U6,B07G3HPS7F,B0029IQ1EA,B010E62DD6,B011AF4N0G,B00TYFGJ5M,B00FRZYKUE,B078J362YR,B005FVAZP4,B005M9LEWM,B010E62A2K,B00PP1AKEK,B00NE4IWUE,B0029X5K2O,B004FGF5SM,B0030U7G6S,B007E9A98I,B005M9LHXI,B005M9LILY

Harkers Coxoid. It's for coccidiosis.,B003TLA1U6,B07G3HPS7F,B0029IQ1EA,B010E62DD6,B011AF4N0G,B00TYFGJ5M,B00FRZYKUE,B078J362YR,B005FVAZP4,B005M9LEWM,B010E62A2K,B00PP1AKEK,B00NE4IWUE,B0029X5K2O,B004FGF5SM,B0030U7G6S,B007E9A98I,B005M9LHXI,B005M9LILY

Not in the picture because it's in the shed is this,
This is the stuff for internal parasites, worms basically. There is no egg restriction for this and it has a very wide dosage tolerance. There's an article in my articles page about how to work out dose per chicken.
View attachment 2907367
I've still got so much to learn
Just looking out for my girls, we hav a mouse situation here. They just got in again. I have someone coming around tomorrow to help me figure this out.

Agatha is amazing, she was stood on the coop door keeping them out she's so tired and I am very proud of her. :love

The coop door is now closed. But it's official, my battery escapes have most definitely got their positions in the diva flock.

Princess diva, was on patrol last night, tonight it's Agathas turn.
The philosophy/objectives.

There were 25 chickens when I started all kept in the run and coop you can see in the picture below.

From what I can gather, in the last two and half years at least, they may have got out once or twice a week for half an hour or so if that.

Vet care is not an option. Even if I had the money there are so few vets that really know much about chickens. There are a few locally that say they will treat them, but having spoken to a couple on the phone, they didn’t inspire me with confidence.

My view is getting these creatures out of the run for as many hours a day as I can spare and still do what I need to do in my life such as look for somewhere of my own to live is going to do them more good than a truckload of vets.

Next there is the matter of feeding. They were not getting anything like enough food. They're getting fed nowMore on this later.

There are ailments that one can fix and there are others one can’t. Many of these poor creatures are going to suffer from ascitis, cancers, various reproductive disorders and the long term effects of malnutrition and being kept in overcrowded cages. Many are feather eaters, a habit they pick up in the cages and while not as tightly housed as they were, the conditions they are now in are still cramped enough for feather pecking and eating to be a problem.

Most will know that a chicken can look perfectly healthy one day and die the next from a variety of complaints. They just hide the problems until they are at deaths door especially when it comes to cancers and internal organ problems. Just because a chicken is still walking around and eating does not mean it isn’t in pain and does not mean it is well.

I had a three day rule in Spain. If a chicken doesn’t eat commercial feed after three days of treatment once a problems diagnosed it gets euthanised. These poor creatures have suffered enough imo and the kindest thing I can do is try to ensure they don’t suffer any more by me, or anyone else playing doctor.

I have already implemented the three day rule and intend to continue doing so.

My belief is that being able to run around, dig, fly if they will, get away from the rest, explore where they can and eat a balanced and healthy diet will do them more good than just about anything else.

This is what I’m aiming for.

They will and are now getting treated for parasites, egg binding, slow crop, injuries, coccidiosis and beak problems in some cases. Ideally the coop wants burning and a new one or two building. That takes time and money. It may happen at some point.

What they will get whether they need it or not is my time and love.

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