Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

Someone, I think it may have been Perris, jogged my memory a few days back.
The end one doesn't see usually when a hen lays an egg.
I agree with her.
This reminds me of this TED talk from 2013 about desertification. While research has refuted some of the ideas, much of it stands.

Allan Savory's TED Talk

Speaking as a biologist, so much of our world's problems are simply that our population has grown far beyond the carrying capacity of the planet without "borrowing" from the future. This is because our economic system is wholly based on growth. Nature doesn't let ANY animal have unending growth, but somehow humans don't think the laws of nature apply to them.

I have lots more to say about these interesting subjects you good folks here have been debating, but I have to get caught up. I've had some changes in my life and STILL HAVEN'T FOUND CHICKENS!
I do not understand how people can support hatcheries.:confused:
To be fair, that horrible video was showing either a hatchery for commercial egg layers or commercial meat birds. That level of mechanization would not be found at McMurray, Hoover, etc, that hatches many breeds to be delivered to feed stores. Still, the multi-breed hatcheries are bad enough, in that day old chicks are roughly sorted, sexed, and most of the males dumped in a chute that immediately kills them.

I read through and greatly appreciated the series of respectful posts here on meat consumption. Again, as a biologist, I think humans physiologically are hunter-gathers and omnivores. I think we should not be ashamed that we eat meat, any more than a bear or lion is ashamed, but we should be ashamed for how we treat the animals we eat and how we overindulge. I feel fortunate that I live in "crazy California" the butt of jokes all over the US for our "weird ideas", but where many trends on sustainable eating get started. We have massive problems here, to be sure, but I well remember the near war that California had with (I believe) Arkansas several years ago, when it was decided that all eggs and meat sold here would be cage free and being out of state didn't exempt a company from the ruling. As far as I could see, the only thing that happened was regular eggs went up $1 per dozen, and up $2 per dozen for pasture raised.

Also... I am astounded that our governor actually had the guts to pass a referendum on phasing out fossil-fuel cars and actually set a date (even though it is too far in the future IMO).

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