Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

Slowed up by social engagment again today. I didn't do much engaging and I wasn't very sociable either. I think I got away with it. I did cook.
Lovely day. Warm, sunny and up until late afternoon just a light breeze. They dustbathed first and then we all went out on to the allotments.

I got all the geotextile cloth out from under where the compost bins were and dug a further ten inches or so into the ground underneath in order to rip out the stinging nettle root network. I got most of it out.

Chickens had a bug feast and did most of the clod breaking for me.
Got some starter plants brewing in one of the greenhouses and worked out how to build the deep shade shelter to go in the coop run.




Fret is exhibiting getting ready to go boody behaviour.
I like the little giant plastic nest boxes, for my broodies. The bottom is slightly curved. With a good amount of straw in it, my hens seem to have better hatch rates than they do on a flat surface nest box. They are easier to clean also.
If you have the time, would you mind sharing a picture of those ?

I'm recent to broodies but the three I had tend to pick inconvenient places.for the future chicks. That is, dark and hidden places either in the coop or outside, that may be great to sit but would not be great for days old chicks once they hatch.

Got some starter plants brewing in one of the greenhouses
The allotment has greenhouses ?
What are you planting ?
Ahhh.... She looks like a French or Spanish nobleman. Straight out of the Count of Monte Cristo
Allow me to respectfully disagree . Maybe a Spanish one if you really insist🤣.

I think she looks just like the skeksis version of a sweet grandma.

Broody in a dark nest.
If you have the time, would you mind sharing a picture of those ?

I'm recent to broodies but the three I had tend to pick inconvenient places.for the future chicks. That is, dark and hidden places either in the coop or outside, that may be great to sit but would not be great for days old chicks once they hatch.

The allotment has greenhouses ?
What are you planting ?

Allow me to respectfully disagree . Maybe a Spanish one if you really insist🤣.

I think she looks just like the skeksis version of a sweet grandma.

Broody in a dark nest.
View attachment 3492383
They are big nests, perfect for brahma sized chickens. I use them in the bantam coops too, and they're great for a mama hen, and family.
The little roost bar is useless but it is removable.
I love the nests themselves. I have 7 of them, and most of the birds (& cats) prefer them too.
Ex Batts good morning one and all!

Found another chicken dead in the run yesterday.

Don't know what has happened.

That means I have lost 2 of my RIR.

Have a great day!
Sorry for your losses. :hugs

The broodies hatched 2 chicks today ❤️❤️🐣🐣.

I hate black cats, my black neighbour cat murders sparrow chicks in the chicken run. And I need to take caution for the chicken hatchlings too with such a beast trespassing all the time.
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