Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

Would madam like a little something extra after her bath?
P1120692 small.jpg

No thanks!
I now know that most cats have these - they liked being stroked or petted until they suddenly don't.
My mother had a friend with a Siamese. That cat would sit in your lap purring away while being petted then give a good scratch and walk away, still purring.

A scurrilous rumour madam entirely without foundation. Through some little understood genetic accident the presbyterian rigours of my ancestors arrived in me at birth and while I appreciate the finer qualities of Scotlands finest export I imbibe the fine spirit rarely and when I do, I'm in no condition to advertise the fact.
Good thing for her you live in England instead of here in the USA. Probably be calling up one of those "injury" lawyers and suing her for libel!!


I gave the flock to a pair of vegetarians in FL, and now I am up in the suburban hells of NJ doomed to a chickenless existence, which is not helping with the depression.
I'm glad you found a good home for them. As for the depression, extremely understandable. Your grief will lessen but you will always think of her. I still think of my mother who died 20 years ago. As far as your current housing situation, I have no words. Have you found a job there that you like? Hopefully you can dig into that.

old-fashioned respect and human decency needs to make a comeback.)
Now there is a novel idea!! i just don't understand how it is so hard to make a small effort in that direction. Businesses are just as bad. My niece is looking for a job, has had interviews. Has been told they would let her know on Monday. Not a word. HOW hard is it to send a quick email that says, the equivalent of "thanks but no thanks, keep looking"?

a minimum of 4 hours a day in chicken chores
4 hours?
I have to say Shad is a lot better looking than I am.
IMHO, Shad is better looking than most ♡♡♡ as good looks come from within. Age did teach me that!! I too am saddened at the way people treat each other now-a-daze and it makes us rather ugly... no matter the amount of time that is spent in the mirror 🪞 Yep, little Shad's got good looks in spades ♠️.
I personally will be part of the solution today, try to keep my mouth shut 😂 and do some kindness👍.
What other option do we have ?♡
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This thread moves fast and does a lot of subject bouncing. So forgive me for missing much.

I have spent most of my days, for the last year, collecting, cleaning, cutting and sewing spent feed bags into cute totes. This I do for the stands my dh and I built, to install in certain establishments, for these cute totes, with 100% going to 2 nonprofits- Kauai Community Cat Project & Kauai Humane Society. I get to keep these bags from landing in our small island's overflowing landfill while raising money to help feed and house our thoughtless human cast offs. Giving back in anyway I can, helps to validate my time on this planet... I have 1000s of hours and $ producing hopefully 4xs that for the non profits.

The other week, while up on this quiet mountain, we had a few jerks flying around the mountain roads of their ATV's and dirtbike (not legal on cabin roads), doing donuts on a private drive, infront of guests. When told by the caretaker it was a private drive and please don't, they became threatening to his person and said they would return. He asked for my aide...
I went to snap a photo of their license plates and it turned into an all out FU screaming match, me, 3- 20ish yo "men", and 50ish year old washed out and inebriated man and his apologetic wife.
It was a huge low for me. I found all of my chickens and adopted kitties and good deeds could not protect my soul from this vile, selfish human behavior. It is a huge ask of these little creatures.
I found my comfort to be in getting into the middle of the pack of good humans. The ones who actually put one decent foot infront of the other. Let karma deal with the miscreants. That, and DLNR/docare. I live in a nation of laws and hope. Ultimately, I am responsible for my own actions. I will continue to trudge this path of service, as i am sure it kept me from stooping lower.
I too am stymied and heartbroken by certain human behavior. Just don't want it to be my own. That karma is a b*tch.
I'm glad you found a good home for them. As for the depression, extremely understandable. Your grief will lessen but you will always think of her. I still think of my mother who died 20 years ago. As far as your current housing situation, I have no words. Have you found a job there that you like? Hopefully you can dig into that.

Looking to go back to school as a means to pay the mortgage.
Part of the problem may be the number of people that see all the cutesy chicken pics on FB and decide that they want chickens too, but they just don't understand that this takes work. There are a lot of people that just don't want to have to put any effort into anything, and the minute they realize that it is much more involved than throwing a little food around, they lose interest.
This is true about people in general. The shelters are full of not-so-cute-now adolescent cats, dogs, as well as elderly pets who need a little extra assistance and don't understand why they've been abandoned. Florida is fighting against exotics that have been dumped. Many lakes and other waterways are full of goldfish that were too much trouble. Sad to say there's a famine of empathy and selflessness all over.

Cleo, an owner-surrender we adopted at 7, and Debbie, abandoned at 4 weeks by her feral mother. Best Buds.
baby Skeksis napping in my hand (still has her egg tooth)View attachment 3588741
If she imprinted on you, then you were one of the most important people in her life. What an honour. I hope in time you come to return the honour by celebrating your good luck in having encountered her and in joyfully recalling her sweet little life, even though it was too short.

Just a comment that I'm sure there would be some psychologists who understand love of animals, even chickens. Maybe your wife can find one like that?

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