Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

My boy is okay!!!!!! He has one pair of clothes, a phone and a backpack to his name... but he is whole ♡♡♡ thank you all for the good thoughts ♡♡♡♡
💚💚💚You must be so relieved!!!

Beyond relief, he and everyone in this will have to deal with so much loss and's devastating.
Sending you and him and all good thoughts.
I fed "treats" to them all together. This worked quite well. Not surprising given what they got.
Chopped almonds (protein 24%)
Spelt seeds
Sunflower seeds
Pumpkin seeds
Chopped smoked ham
Half a chopped Brazil nut for extra methonine
Chopped cabage
plus bugs, grass, courgette and whatever else Fret dug up while she was out foraging.
Wow! Fine dining in the Bristol allotments! Lucky chickens!

Have you found a convenient and reliable supplier yet? I'm getting to the end of a sack of peas so have bought a different mix to try, intended for young pigeons, consisting of maples, wheat, white peas, red dari (milo, sorghum), blue peas, white dari (a nutritionally better variety of sorghum), tares and safflower. It'll make a change for them at least, mirroring the change of season. I tried to grow safflower a couple of years back but it didn't grow here very well.
I noticed something really odd today, and I'd like to share/ask if anyone's experienced something similar. Today one of the hens was in the nest box, and another one desperately wanted to get in the same nest box as well. They have multiple nest boxes, but they insist on laying in the same f-ing one. Now here is where the interesting thing happens. By some chance, the lead hen (the ISA brown) noticed the commotion. Instead of the hen actively wanting to lay, the lead hen was the one who initiated the escort call, and only then did the other hen join. Kolovos came pretty quickly after that, but has anyone else noticed their lead hens doing escort calls on behalf of their lower ranking sisters?

This is such an awesome picture. @TropicalChickies
My boy is okay!!!!!! He has one pair of clothes, a phone and a backpack to his name... but he is whole ♡♡♡ thank you all for the good thoughts ♡♡♡♡
Oh I am so relieved to hear this.
Not about the only one pair of clothes part obviously. Thank you so much for taking the time to update us.

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