Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

Time for some pictures. View attachment 3640151View attachment 3640152View attachment 3640153View attachment 3640154View attachment 3640155View attachment 3640156View attachment 3640157View attachment 3640158

Poopy, pic2 and pic5, lays a lot of thin shelled eggs. Lately many times she would try laying an egg in the box but nothing is ever there. Is she internally laying :-( ? She appears normal otherwise.
Calcium 600 citrate +vitamin D administered every evening for 7-10 consecutive days can help with building good eggshells.

If she does not improve, you might start her on antibiotics as broken eggs inside the oviduct will cause infection.
When I lived in a city and used public transport, I always had a book and my earphones in, I could still hear but would appear that I couldn't, great way to avoid conversation.
Amtrack had a "quiet car" where you could book a seat. No talking or noise allowed. People would even glower if someone fidgeted. You had to be seriously silent to sit in the quiet car.
Learn Morse Code. (wear gloves) Tap your conversation to each other on the other's knee or forearm. If you don't know the person well enough to touch them on the knee or forearm, just be quiet.


View attachment 3639946
Sunny, reading my Kindle.
A chicken reading about utilitarianism from the Hobbesian point of view is pretty ironic given how much their species has suffered from said worldview. If anyone knows about life being brutish, nasty and short and the economics for producing the greatest "good" (eggs and meat) for the greatest number, it's an industrially bred chicken.
A chicken reading about utilitarianism from the Hobbesian point of view is pretty ironic given how much their species has suffered from said worldview. If anyone knows about life being brutish, nasty and short and the economics for producing the greatest "good" (eggs and meat) form the greatest number, it's an industrially bred chicken.
So true. I told her she should not worry or internalize those ideas.

Yesterday, she was reading Reginald Hill.
indeed; you ought to have better protection from getting it than from a vaccine no?
This was the case when I had it last winter, according to a physician friend.

I won't be able to explain it eloquently – definitely had brain fog during that conversation – but he described something about how having the virus arms your immune system to generate custom antibodies for different strains, while the booster simply provides a set of antibodies for existing strains.

Either way, at that time they were advising something like a 90-day period of enhanced immunity after having the virus, during which a booster was both superfluous and not recommended. Not sure if it's changed since last winter, though.

Feel better, @Shadrach. That virus is no fun. The brain fog's the worst!
This was the case when I had it last winter, according to a physician friend.

I won't be able to explain it eloquently – definitely had brain fog during that conversation – but he described something about how having the virus arms your immune system to generate custom antibodies for different strains, while the booster simply provides a set of antibodies for existing strains.

Either way, at that time they were advising something like a 90-day period of enhanced immunity after having the virus, during which a booster was both superfluous and not recommended. Not sure if it's changed since last winter, though.

Feel better, @Shadrach. That virus is no fun. The brain fog's the worst!
This ⬆️⬆️⬆️

I believe it's called Original Antigenic Sin, and it means that you have antibodies from the strain you received in the shot, but if you get sick with a new strain your antibodies don't respond as well, they're looking for the strain from the shot.

The good news about viruses is as they mutate into different strains they get more contagious BUT less virulent...more like a mild cold.

Shad, I'm glad the chick is feeling better, but YOU take care of yourself.
Shad, I'm glad the chick is feeling better, but YOU take care of yourself.
Oops, tax:


One would think after over 3 years it would be second nature.

Most people think That everything is over with the Covid.

What they don't realize is that Covid is here to stay.

I was against taking the vaccine.

I wore a mask everywhere I went and I'm still wearing my mask.

My husband did take the vaccine along with the boosters and said he will take the booster they are talking now.

He has been sick for several years and feels with his immunity not being good that he needed it.

I feel the vaccine was put out so fast they didn't have time to test it appropriately.

Wear your mask everywhere you go, I do.

Take care of yourself as no one will take care of you.

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