Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

You really had some catching up to do. 🤣 Welcome to this thread.

I suspect the chick is a boy. My pullet (5 months next week) has a smaller comb. How old is he? Tell us a bit more about your flock or tribe.
Sure thing! Got these four on August 25. The sapphire splash and midnight marans are the oldest. Then the sapphire gem and olive egger is the youngest.
The day after I got them. I tried in house brooding for two days, then in a bigger garage brooder for a week. After my brooder plate from Amazon arrived they went out into the coop+run. My family always coop-brooded our meat chicks.
Liara (right) and Kasumi (left) checking out a pumpkin. This was last week, and when I started really thinking Kasumi was a male. Look at those thick legs and comb! Kasumi/thane is an olive egger, Liara is a sapphire splash (and the lead chicken.)
This is Shep, the midnight majesty marans. She's the biggest of them and super chill. She likes laps and arms. Six or seven weeks old by my estimate and hubby's favorite.
Ash the Sapphire gem. She is pretty standoffish but will jump on my leg on occasion when I sit in the run. Always eating, she is the last to bed every night. Liara usually calls her to bed two or three times before she goes. Just over a month old. My kid's favorite because she will stand to the side to be fed treats through the fence. Five weeks I think.
Liara the sapphire splash. Always has hackles up and bossing the rest around. My mom thinks this one might also be male because of how red the comb is. I think she's around six or seven weeks? Does not like to be touched or checked on, but loves food and will allow me to check crop and tail if needed.
Liara with hackles up.
And Kasumi/Thane. Olive egger, and the youngest around 4.5 weeks old I believe. My favorite, they love cuddling up on me and are totally chill being handled. If they're a rooster I plan on keeping them. Kiddo isn't allowed into the run, only allowed to pet Shep or Kasumi if I am holding them for her. So I don't see there being issue of attacking her.
We unfortunately need to have covered runs here because the hawks are ridiculous. But my husband and I are just waiting on hardware cloth to finish the first run extension now, and we have plans to add another extension in spring.
The chickens are primarily for eggs and companionship, which is why I'm okay trying a tribe system. However my husband is firm on only having four, since I am partially disabled and sometimes have difficulty moving. He might reconsider in the future if I have no problems with them though!
If I had to start again I would buy pre-started birds, the chick stage is so worrisome. Or if I have a broody in the future I'll let her raise a hatch of chicks instead of buying new ones from the feed store. I didn't realize I had bought four layer hybrids until I was looking them up afterwards. I hope their days are happy and full.


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Yes. Those two old stubborn folk clearly had some kind of history. I wouldn't say she danced on his grave but she was rubbing her hands in glee that she got the apartment back. Hey ho.
And memories fade - maybe it was 4 days - it was absurdly and unkindly short to deconstruct a long life. So many memories of that place but also memories of me and my mother giggling hysterically at stuff that got carted off from the street corners.
I feel sorry for all this. But I am amazed someone can demand the descendants to clear everything in such short notice. Unless the rent hasn’t been paid for, for at least a month.

I know the people in homes for elderly , with medical service often paid by the gov. , must clear in a week. But everywhere else in the Netherlands you normally clear before the end of the month. If relatives need more time they always can pay for extra time. With a max of 2 months extra.
I feel sorry for all this. But I am amazed someone can demand the descendants to clear everything in such short notice. Unless the rent hasn’t been paid for, for at least a month.

I know the people in homes for elderly , with medical service often paid by the gov. , must clear in a week. But everywhere else in the Netherlands you normally clear before the end of the month. If relatives need more time they always can pay for extra time. With a max of 2 months extra.
It was all a long time ago and in a different part of the world.
The task would have expanded to fit the time available.
No need to feel sorry. All good. Time heals.

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