Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

@Perris maybe he'll show up safely
It is definitely possible; recently Chirk went missing for days, and Venka last year, before both returned none the worse for it, and the absence of a pile of feathers or indeed any sign of a violent encounter gives me hope. It's awful quiet without him. I had not till now realised quite how much he hoots and toots all day long :rolleyes:
Thanks all for condolences and well wishes.
I have finally read the thread. :th
So happy to see the current crew, they're precious.
I heard you like roosters...will a potential boy chick suffice? 😏
View attachment 3647665
Currently names Kasumi but if they end up crowing they'll be renamed Thane.
View attachment 3647668
And another pic just because they're so cute and cuddly.
I do like roosters. I've even liked a few cockerels in my time. Watching Henry with the chicks is an illustration of one of the many reasons I like roosters.
Skeksis has a grandson named Nugget. I believe some of you may see the familial resemblance.
Three hours today. I felt awful this morning but once I had got to the allotments and sat for a while watching the chickens I felt better. Came back to the flat for a nap and some lunch and this afternoon I felt almost human. That Covid fog lifted and so far it hasn't returned. The feel better then not seems to be a feature of the current Covid strains. A few I've spoken to have mentioned it.

Anyway, the chickens got out and that's what's important. The weather was reasonable and stayed dry. I've caught two rats with my makeshift trap so far.


Check this out. The cockerel hadn't worked out he needs to get under her wing on the other side but it looks like bar roosting is going to happen.

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