Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

I really like his music for taking my mind off something and just drifting with his melodies. He's playing live in Cardiff next month, but the venue's acoustics are too poor for the subtlety and delicacy of his work, so I'll be giving it a miss.

The miserable week continues; Norton died today, through my carelessness. There's a large plastic trug in the garden which had a couple of inches of rainwater in it. It's about 6" deep and well within their ability to jump in and out, and though most of his/her body would have been above the water level, I assume Norton got too wet and cold before s/he could get out again; s/he had very little feathering as yet (was 2 weeks old on Tuesday) and the down was sopping wet. It must have happened between 4 and 5 because s/he was fine around 4 and dead by 5. I hope it wasn't too traumatic for Paprika and the other chicks, because I imagine they were all standing around cheeping to encourage him/her out until it went quiet. They had all moved on elsewhere when I noticed that 1 was missing and went looking. But Llandeilo was cheeping unusually loudly at tea. :( I should have kept a better eye on the trug and emptied it. It's a reminder that complacency and carelessness kills.
That's terribly sad Perris.:hugs
Congratulations Shadrach for this excellent thread and how you managed to find an great audience in almost 2 years time.

Ooh Perris, not again. Im really sorry for you, :hugs don’t blame yourself for not being thoughtful all the time.

I have some sad news too. Abby disappeared today around midday 🕛. She didn’t turn up again later or at roosting time. 😭 Of course I blame myself for loosing both pullets now. It’s just too dangerous for young pullets in my garden nowadays.
Regarding this:

I'm not keen on this popularity type stuff; it seems a bit childish and unfortunately has become a major feature on social media.
However, it seems it's unavoidable and I just want to write that you, the contributors to this thread are responsible for the threads success and for that I want to thank you all.
No it doesn't mean you don't have to pay taxes any more.:p
Three hours today. Usual split.
Henry is feeling depressed. His moult is bugging him and he has lost his last sickle feathers and looks a bit odd. He's got a large bare patch on his arse and another on his belly poor chap.


A lovely bumble bee unfortunately dying.

One in the nest box and one on the roost bar. Fret has done wonders and is still keeping an eye on the chicks to the point she attacked a rat that got too close this afternoon. I would certainly let her sit and hatch again should she show sgns of wanting to.
No it doesn't mean you don't have to pay taxes any more.:p

Also, I discovered a clever guinea nest this week; most likely begun in July or August when I was interfering with the broody hens’ nest inside the barn in order to enhance offspring survival rates.
(The eggs are there, I promise!)


30+ eggs; I lost count at 18 when some became noticeably unusual-smelling. These were set aside while I continued to collect all of the eggs to remove from that nest… the rotten suspects will be buried, and due to their age I’ll either give away the others for hatching attempts or consider creative ways to cook them.

I really like his music for taking my mind off something and just drifting with his melodies. He's playing live in Cardiff next month, but the venue's acoustics are too poor for the subtlety and delicacy of his work, so I'll be giving it a miss.

The miserable week continues; Norton died today, through my carelessness. There's a large plastic trug in the garden which had a couple of inches of rainwater in it. It's about 6" deep and well within their ability to jump in and out, and though most of his/her body would have been above the water level, I assume Norton got too wet and cold before s/he could get out again; s/he had very little feathering as yet (was 2 weeks old on Tuesday) and the down was sopping wet. It must have happened between 4 and 5 because s/he was fine around 4 and dead by 5. I hope it wasn't too traumatic for Paprika and the other chicks, because I imagine they were all standing around cheeping to encourage him/her out until it went quiet. They had all moved on elsewhere when I noticed that 1 was missing and went looking. But Llandeilo was cheeping unusually loudly at tea. :( I should have kept a better eye on the trug and emptied it. It's a reminder that complacency and carelessness kills.
I have some sad news too. Abby disappeared today around midday 🕛. She didn’t turn up again later or at roosting time. 😭 Of course I blame myself for loosing both pullets now. It’s just too dangerous for young pullets in my garden nowadays.
:hugs :hugs :hugs :hugs :hugs
I feel very sad for both of you. It makes it harder to loose several in a row. Keeping chickens is not easy on the soul 🙁.

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