Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

I know there was a push to try to require citizens to report their gardens and what they are growing, to the USDA. I also know that they were pushing mandatory vaccines for farm animals and backyard chickens, but I don't think SC will go along with it and if they do, they will have a fight.
Case in point. I think it quite likely that someone had such an idea. I find it highly improbable that anyone could ever pull off implementing it!
I know there was a push to try to require citizens to report their gardens and what they are growing, to the USDA. I also know that they were pushing mandatory vaccines for farm animals and backyard chickens, but I don't think SC will go along with it and if they do, they will have a fight.
NC wants all chicken owners to register, "for their own good". I see it as another invasion of privacy, and a way for bureaucrats to track down flocks for destruction if Avian flu breaks out again.
Three hours today. Grey but dry on the weather front.
Seen the flat. I've said I'll take it. It's even smaller than the flat I'm in.:lau
Living in a small place does not have only inconveniences. It means less cleaning, less stuff you don't need, usually leads to better space organisation. I've lived in bigger and smaller flats in the cities and I would choose small.
A more important point for me was the level of daylight and noise.
Had a long chat with C this afternoon and we're on the same page at last. I showed them the draught copy of the field memebership agreement and they were very happy with it.
Field meetings tomorrow morning and late afternoon. Not expecting much resistance to the forthcoming changes.
Apart from changing names and formalizing things, will the agreement actually change things for the allotment holders ?
Henry is growing more feathers than he's shedding. Carbon on the other hand is looking very scrappy and isn't eating much of anything except what she can forage and the fish I brought her.
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I hope Carbon manages through the difficult molting phase. Apart from her tail it's hard to see on the pictures that she is molting.
Seen the flat. I've said I'll take it. It's even smaller than the flat I'm in
How much closer is it to the allotments and your eldest?
Had a long chat with C this afternoon and we're on the same page at last. I showed them the draught copy of the field memebership agreement and they were very happy with it.
That's great news.
I know there was a push to try to require citizens to report their gardens and what they are growing, to the USDA. I also know that they were pushing mandatory vaccines for farm animals and backyard chickens, but I don't think SC will go along with it and if they do, they will have a fight.

Case in point. I think it quite likely that someone had such an idea. I find it highly improbable that anyone could ever pull off implementing it!
They can't hire enough people to inspect the food, ....or teachers in my state..... so I'm not going to worry about it
the powers that be are usually far less capable than people assume them to be. Most of what happens was intended by nobody and out of everyone's control.
Indeed. Historically, over and over Power has shown it's tendency to accumulate, aggregate, corrupt, and destroy. It's also shown an equal tendency to be fluid, fragile, and inability to be everywhere at once. That's why humans have never succeeded in destroying themselves -- yet. It's also why I loathe and warn against the leaders of globalization and their minions and henchmen. But someone, somewhere is always going to slip through the cracks, until the cracks widen, the pressure builds, and the power structures crumble. Empire after empire, civilization after civilization. Things fall apart. The centre cannot hold.




Segundo is a completely different cockerel now that he's in charge of these two lovely ladies in his new home. Incredible to see his transformation from jester to king.
Congrats on the new flat, I hope the convenience of being closer overrides the inconvenience of being smaller. Yay for finally being able to reign in C somewhat. I have many concerns about GMO chickens, but one thing that sprang to mind, what if the "resistant" chickens that show no symptoms, still can be carriers? Much like waterfowl? I'd rather vaccinate. Yes, I'm aware that the mareks vaccine does have that effect.

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