Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

herewith the ISBN, which any library (or bookseller worth their salt) should be able to track down for you.
ISBN1780642490, 9781780642499
For those in the US who don’t want to use one of the large online retailers of everything & anything or look at the online copy only (those options are of course valid ones) UK site but some are from US sellers - happy book hunting!
I found that Abe books are Amaz… under a different “badge”.
Obviously other retailers of new and second hand books are available wherever in the world you all happen to be and as Perris has helpfully provided the ISBN.. :D :D :D
Petrie, could you link the article or book by Nichol that you are referencing? I’ve tried scrolling back to find it, but I’m missing it.

I’m on my 3rd permethrin treatment trying to get rid of mites/lice, and just this morning I see more crawling all over the decoy eggs again, so I guess another round of eggs have hatched. My ladies dust bathe in various places around the run, but our soil is mostly clay, so I’m wondering if it isn’t creating enough dust to be effective. Looking into mixing it with some sand.
I've been seeing improvement in the lice problem I was having here by mixing sulfur powder in with their dust bath areas and also dusting the roosts of the coop with it. I also applied the powder directly to the birds who had the most lice -- mostly my rooster Lucio. A small paintbrush dipped in the powder and then applied to the skin and feather bases helps. The lice here seem to be pretty resistant to permethrin too.
I've been seeing improvement in the lice problem I was having here by mixing sulfur powder in with their dust bath areas and also dusting the roosts of the coop with it. I also applied the powder directly to the birds who had the most lice -- mostly my rooster Lucio. A small paintbrush dipped in the powder and then applied to the skin and feather bases helps. The lice here seem to be pretty resistant to permethrin too.
have you tried liquid paraffin, the sort that's edible? Some old handbooks recommend a drop of that in the usual spots (below vent, under wings, back of neck).
have you tried liquid paraffin, the sort that's edible? Some old handbooks recommend a drop of that in the usual spots (below vent, under wings, back of neck).
I used to gob on Vaseline for sticktight fleas (that's an ectoparasite more endemic to the tropics). It works the same way paraffin does -- as a barrier that suffocates the critters. But in this humid climate, it encourages favas -- fungal yeast growth -- on the chickens skin because it just kept their skin too moist and from being able to ventilate.

It's probably an ok remedy in drier climates. Btw, I cleared up the favas skin problem with simple diluted white vinegar and a bit of athlete foot cream.
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Skeksis Jr and Bumble Jr

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