Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

seem to have mould on top of the fermenting feed. It had been fermenting for 52 hours. It doesn't smell bad.:confused:
If you carefully lift it out and rinse, you will be able to identify what exactly went mouldy, and not add that to the next batch, or sift it off the top of batches currently fermenting.
Taxes for mite talk: Stilton (a.k.a., Mr. November 🤩) warming his feet on Beakwipe's lap. (I'm Beakwipe. That's my chicken name.) His hackles are molting in funny layers, but it's looking like he might grow fluffier cheek muffs this year.

We've had a lot of warm weather, so on this unusually chilly day, when the sun never came out from behind the wildfire smoke, he was happy to relax/nap/preen for almost 30 minutes with me after he safely rounded all the hens back in from the orchard.

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View attachment 3681092
Beakwipe! :lau:lau:lau
We have a local very easy recipe with gram flour, socca. Here is the basic recipe in English but the person didn't mention that the way to eat it is generously sprinkled with pepper and rosé wine as an appetizer, and that it should be on the thin side. It also exists in Italy where it's called farinata and in Uruguay/Argentina faina.
Not having any rosé to hand, and being British, we tried it last night with mushrooms and fried egg; nice Nice recipe :p:D
I seem to have mould on top of the fermenting feed.
Hmm. Could be that:

1. The mix isn't getting enough oxygen. Try just covering the top with a cheesecloth or lightly woven towel instead of leaving the lid on/ajar. And try stirring the mixture at least once a day.

2. Fermenting conditions are too cool.

3. There's some ingredient in there that is more conducive to growing mold.
Don't paint us all with the same brush - no permits needed in my part of NJ!
Is it an overly interfering housing association or something that is making these rules?
No. You need a permit for pretty much anything in NJ. I want to get a few of my ball pythons shipped here eventually, but I need to get the permits for them first.
No. You need a permit for pretty much anything in NJ. I want to get a few of my ball pythons shipped here eventually, but I need to get the permits for them first.
Yes, many places require permits for large or venomous snakes. Is it hard to get a permit? I would think having had them before would help.

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