Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

I took extra time with the chickens yesterday in honor of Henry, Fret, Carbon, Dig, and Mow, who must be wondering after Bucket Boy and missing his good company and tasty eats.

Of course no reason needed to take extra time with chickens, but why not.

Taxes: Frida Bakawlo (the One-Wattle Wonder) was voted "Most Likely to Get Got" upon brooder graduation for her habit of wandering off alone. Years later, she still enjoys solitude. As social as they are, it's easy to overlook how important quiet is to chickens.

Yesterday, Frida decided to take her morning nap out in the yard instead of under the walnut trees where she usually hunkers down after breakfast. I spotted the lone Langshan and went to chaperone, since she was near the woodline where the bobcat hunts.


Stilton noticed, too, and strutted over to gather Frida, chest out.

The dance...

Which caught Stilton's BFF Ashley's eye. Because if Stilton is doing something fun, Ashley will be by shortly. Stilton is finally finishing growing feathers from a slow molt that started back in August, and it's very common to find him ducking his head near Ashley so she can preen his new hackles.

Later, Stilton sneaking a nap in a more acceptable location under the asters. Though they're annoyingly messy, I leave the dried aster and goldenrod stalks because they provide shelter and seeds. Sleepy rooster face.
I took extra time with the chickens yesterday in honor of Henry, Fret, Carbon, Dig, and Mow, who must be wondering after Bucket Boy and missing his good company and tasty eats.

Of course no reason needed to take extra time with chickens, but why not.

Taxes: Frida Bakawlo (the One-Wattle Wonder) was voted "Most Likely to Get Got" upon brooder graduation for her habit of wandering off alone. Years later, she still enjoys solitude. As social as they are, it's easy to overlook how important quiet is to chickens.

Yesterday, Frida decided to take her morning nap out in the yard instead of under the walnut trees where she usually hunkers down after breakfast. I spotted the lone Langshan and went to chaperone, since she was near the woodline where the bobcat hunts.

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Stilton noticed, too, and strutted over to gather Frida, chest out.
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The dance...
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Which caught Stilton's BFF Ashley's eye. Because if Stilton is doing something fun, Ashley will be by shortly. Stilton is finally finishing growing feathers from a slow molt that started back in August, and it's very common to find him ducking his head near Ashley so she can preen his new hackles.
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Later, Stilton sneaking a nap in a more acceptable location under the asters. Though they're annoyingly messy, I leave the dried aster and goldenrod stalks because they provide shelter and seeds. Sleepy rooster face.
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Love the dance pictures!
I took extra time with the chickens yesterday in honor of Henry, Fret, Carbon, Dig, and Mow, who must be wondering after Bucket Boy and missing his good company and tasty eats.

Of course no reason needed to take extra time with chickens, but why not.

Taxes: Frida Bakawlo (the One-Wattle Wonder) was voted "Most Likely to Get Got" upon brooder graduation for her habit of wandering off alone. Years later, she still enjoys solitude. As social as they are, it's easy to overlook how important quiet is to chickens.

Yesterday, Frida decided to take her morning nap out in the yard instead of under the walnut trees where she usually hunkers down after breakfast. I spotted the lone Langshan and went to chaperone, since she was near the woodline where the bobcat hunts.

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Stilton noticed, too, and strutted over to gather Frida, chest out.
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The dance...
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Which caught Stilton's BFF Ashley's eye. Because if Stilton is doing something fun, Ashley will be by shortly. Stilton is finally finishing growing feathers from a slow molt that started back in August, and it's very common to find him ducking his head near Ashley so she can preen his new hackles.
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Later, Stilton sneaking a nap in a more acceptable location under the asters. Though they're annoyingly messy, I leave the dried aster and goldenrod stalks because they provide shelter and seeds. Sleepy rooster face.
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Stilton is so handsome! I live vicariously here as I can't have roos, love all the pics. Last Monday, my sis and I took a day trip to Petaluma, and stopped at our favorite plant nursery. As we walked in I heard a crow, and commented on it. The man at the counter immediately said, "Do you want one? We have four to giveaway" I declined, with regret, and went on shopping, when I discovered three of them meandering through the isle. I stood there enjoying their loveliness for a moment. It wasn't until I was already on my way home, that I thought darn, I should have taken pics to share. So here's one of Nevada, anyway.


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Paprika's clutch are 12 weeks old today, and last night for the first time they all slept on the roost; no poo in the nest boxes. They’ve had a coop to themselves as a family this last week, since I noticed Paprika was setting them the example and had moved onto it – I’ve had to chase Eve out a couple of times, as she attempted to crash that coop and bully them at bed time – and each night more of them have moved out of the nest and onto the roost.

I can understand people wanting to get chicks out of the nest box asap to avoid poo in there, and some no doubt take pride in having precocious chicks like precocious kids, but 12 weeks is an example of how long it takes when a very competent broody is left to raise her chicks without interference from people. Of course other flock members like Eve may have delayed things.
Fret was pretty quick getting her two on the roost bar if Paprika's lot took 12 weeks!
I hope you're over the worst and feeling better today Shad, and that someone stepped up to tend the chickens yesterday and save you hours out in the cold and wet. :hugs
Well, here's a thing. The frst day I couldn't make it to the allotments, or even to the front door come to that, I let the Russian women who I like and have found capable and dependable know and of course C. The Russian was on it straight away, sent me pictures, didn't bother me with stuff. C said that they would fill in where the Russian couldn't. The Russian and C dont like each other. I didn't tell either what my problem was, it's severity or the long term prospects.

It has now been made clear to the group that Bucket Boy may not be able to take care of the that rather awkward bit of oversight, when in a burst of right on lets all play at being farmers for a few hours when the sun's, shining went out and got chickens and geese knowing bugger all about either and apprently much to everyones horror, unlike for the snotty little brats they drag about behind them, don't have daycare centres to take care of them for you while one goes off and does that world changing degree in Neolithic womens studies.:p

As you may remember, Bucket Boy recently introduced democary at the allotments, and contracts no less and watching events unfold as some try to avoid any responsibility for their past actions and current circumstances unfold on whatscrap has been rather amusing.
Today I read the first post of the nature if you don't pull your finger out and help then you can feck off and we'll find someone who will help and give them your plot.:lol:
Well, here's a thing. The frst day I couldn't make it to the allotments, or even to the front door come to that, I let the Russian women who I like and have found capable and dependable know and of course C. The Russian was on it straight away, sent me pictures, didn't bother me with stuff. C said that they would fill in where the Russian couldn't. The Russian and C dont like each other. I didn't tell either what my problem was, it's severity or the long term prospects.

It has now been made clear to the group that Bucket Boy may not be able to take care of the that rather awkward bit of oversight, when in a burst of right on lets all play at being farmers for a few hours when the sun's, shining went out and got chickens and geese knowing bugger all about either and apprently much to everyones horror, unlike for the snotty little brats they drag about behind them, don't have daycare centres to take care of them for you while one goes off and does that world changing degree in Neolithic womens studies.:p

As you may remember, Bucket Boy recently introduced democary at the allotments, and contracts no less and watching events unfold as some try to avoid any responsibility for their past actions and current circumstances unfold on whatscrap has been rather amusing.
Today I read the first post of the nature if you don't pull your finger out and help then you can feck off and we'll find someone who will help and give them your plot.:lol:
So, wait, are they threatening you because you are ill, or are they saying the if others don't pitch in to help? I hope that it is the latter, for your sake and for Henry's tribe.

Either way, focus on getting better! Stress can compound and prolong illness. We are keeping you in our thoughts and sending positive "get well soon" vibes your way.
Feel Better Get Well Soon GIF by Bells and Wishes

Hoping you're back on your feet soon mate.

The big bug has taken me down too, the little fecker, I'll race you back to full health. Seriously, I've been taking cold n flu tablets, which reduces symptoms considerably. Still testing positive though, so still isolating.
It drags on a bit that Covid and the isolation is really tedious. Hope you're out and about soon.

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