Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

I agree with this.

Just because someone else is making and selling them doesn't mean BYC can't make their own with the BYC logo on it.
Search chicken stickers on BYC. There is someone making and selling stickers.
Maybe she could be inspired by the idea and design her own version.
Depends on the patent
Its always allowed to use someone’s design as inspiration. Copy - paste is prohibited. Using a photo only if it’s without owners rights.

Bing AI image creator;

triangle shaped design picture with 3 different chicken heads and a BYC logo in a realistic style

Sticker chat tax:
Janice in her private bedroom. She prefers to sleep alone.
I have been following along but not commenting much. We had a beautiful “warm” day (for February), so I did some fence repair and garden work. Threw down some straw for the ladies in the extended run. I think they appreciated it! Can finally pay some owed tax:
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That was us yesterday. :) Out with the chickens, planning enhancements and the Turkey trot construction.
I have been following along but not commenting much. We had a beautiful “warm” day (for February), so I did some fence repair and garden work. Threw down some straw for the ladies in the extended run. I think they appreciated it! Can finally pay some owed tax:
View attachment 3740727
Spring is coming!
Spring is coming!

The weather people ( :p ) predict one more cold snap for us. Of course, cold snap is a relative term here. Without a groundhog, candlemas, or anything of the sort to signify Spring's arrival, we are left to the devices of the Gods or God. The chickens seem to be in the same confused state as the keepers; although one would say the chickens would not invoke any celestial beings

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