Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

When the USA upgraded all the broadcast stations to digital it was a horrific mess. If you didn't have a new TV you had to get a converter box. The channel signals are easily disrupted by weather, wind (trees moving?) and then the programs become pixilated and unwatchable.

Lots of progress there. :hmm

But... IT'S FREE! :rolleyes:
Yes I have an old square TV with a converter box. The transmission is rectangular so the ends are cut off 😂.
Used to be if the picture was fuzzy you still could hear it. Now with the new and improved, when the signal is iffy I get nothing 😔
They are coming out with another nexgen and we will need a different converter box....or a TV with that tuner
When antenna TV becomes a pay-for service, I'm going to rip that damn TV out. We had sattelite for several years, and finally I told hubby, "$165 a FN MONTH for TV??? NO MORE!!!" I could totally live without "the idiot box."
My mom had that but she had mobility issues and I guess it was worthwhile for her. When she passed I tried to cancel it but 6 months later they sent a bill. I was furious and after I ranted for 15 minutes on the phone I got it straightened out. I will never ever get dish network because of that.
Ummm I watch BBC stuff on PBS (public broadcasting service) in USA. PBS is free to watch with an antenna. They have pledge drives where they ask viewers to donate. You can get a gift of DVD and books with a certain amount.
Any antenna TV is currently free. They are talking about scrambling some signals you would have to pay for.
The BBC sell quite a lot of shows and formats abroad, to whoever will pay I assume. It's an important source of revenue for them.
I will never ever get dish network because of that.
We started with Dish. Switched to DirecTV. Hate them both. Never again.
Robin, looking a bit demonic.
The BBC sell quite a lot of shows and formats abroad, to whoever will pay I assume. It's an important source of revenue for them.
Sort of. Our national broadcast is free to use for about 40 years now. But …. It comes with advertising between the programs. And it’s no longer available by air/through a simple antenna. Some BBC programs are bought and broadcasted.

In the Netherlands almost everything is digitised nowadays..You pay for the internet to receive the programs.
Free in our smart TV are about 30 German channels, Youtube, and many more uninteresting channels.
For 4 euro a month you can get our national TV by wifi connection. It offers the possibility to look at older, previously broadcasted programs/ series/films and shows its not bad at all imo.
For € 8,50 you get lots of channels (about 30, but not the BBC).
And if one uses an antenna or internet TV you pay for a topbox to convert the signal. These often cost about 20-25 euro and include a few BBC channels as well.

And now its time something completely different!
Today we went to the Sir John Soane architecture museum and his collection of historical artefacts. 😳 The museum was crowded with ancient / historical art stuff.
Some of the statues and painting were really magnificent.
From the architect himself there was only one room with his designs


In the afternoon we went to the renovated Battersy power plant station. Great work to catch the old atmosphere in a new setting.


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Interesting topic. It is my understanding that certain breeds (serama included) have a higher in ovo mortality rate than other breeds. Would be interested to know more about this topic
so would I, but there doesn't seem to be much out there; at least, I haven't found much yet. However, this is recent, open access, and at least gets us a foot in the right door to pursue refs back and fore:
Whenever one moves to a new property one the first letters one receives is a threatening letter from the BBC licensing demanding you let them know if you use their service/have a TV. I think I've had 30 such letters. The assumption is everyone watches and owns a TV or uses the BBC broadcasting services. It's not like they have any evidence that one has a TV when these letters are sent.
Next there are other services if one wants to read news rather than the governments view of what is news worthy and what the establishment want you to believe.

There are two what should be public sevices currently in the news for appalling practices; the BBC and the Post Office. I try to avoid using either.
The post office case is chilling.

I can't stress it enough: people first, "efficient" systems-driven administration second.

Otherwise the tail is wagging the dog.
From the architect himself there was only one room with his designs
I hope you saw the drawings and pictures behind the panels and in the cupboards...?
The museum was crowded with ancient / historical art stuff.
It's almost hoarding isn't it? :lol: Quite a squeeze in places. You got good photos in the circumstances :p

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