Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

Thank you for the advice on the SLM and the detailed explanations, (and also for the info on the spurs).

Thank you for sharing about your friend's rooster. It's both reassuring and edifying when there is a solution that just needs for the keeper to agree to make some adjustments to his habits.
I think they recognize and tolerate his youth and inexperience. I've seen similar with roos and hens here for the cockerels in the fumbling-about-not-sure-what-to-do phase :D
I was amazed how tolerant my dominant rooster Gaston was with our two cockerels when they were attempting to mate the hens. Even more so because it hadn't been the case at all for him when he grew up around Théo, who terrified him for a whole year before Gaston realised he was three times his size.

Gaston on the left and Pied-beau on the right, a week before he was rehomed at five months and a half.
I'll bear that in mind with regard to my inherited heart problems.:p
Too late for this one Shad. You should have thought about it 40 years ago. But you must be glad you didn’t with the offspring you created. 😻😹
It took two and a half hours to get home!
Did you move all the way to London?
I think C is relieved to pass over what has proven to be a rather stressfull enterprise for the last few years.
That would explain her actual willingness to pitch in when you were ill. She is probably grateful to have someone with common sense take charge.
It took two and a half hours to get home!
Ouch! :(
Too late for this one Shad. You should have thought about it 40 years ago. But you must be glad you didn’t with the offspring you created. 😻😹

Did you move all the way to London?
Nope, still live in Bristol.
The bus I usually catch stops running at 18.40 on Sundays. It runs up to 21.00 on weekdays.
I was going to catch the train, 45 minute delay. Walked up to the village bus stop to catch the bus, it didn't turn up. Caught the next bus 30 minutes later into Bristol. The buses from Bristol centre to where I live were all on Sunday timetable and all delayed.:rolleyes:
Nope, still live in Bristol.
The bus I usually catch stops running at 18.40 on Sundays. It runs up to 21.00 on weekdays.
I was going to catch the train, 45 minute delay. Walked up to the village bus stop to catch the bus, it didn't turn up. Caught the next bus 30 minutes later into Bristol. The buses from Bristol centre to where I live were all on Sunday timetable and all delayed.:rolleyes:
I was joking of course. I hope you can move close to your eldest and the allotment some day. To make a final ending to such miserable transport days.

Ini mini and Black

Spring flowers.
A pleasant dry afternoon with some sunshine. Three and a half hours today.
This first picture looks pretty normal. That's C tending their plot. In the past if C comes to the allotments and the chickens are out they've shooed the chickens off the plot into the allotment run and shut the gate. This afternoon not only did C not shoo them away, the looked rather happy with the chickens scratching around while they dug. C even threw them the worms they found!
I spent most of the afternoon chatting with C. I showed them that the chickens were mostly foraging for the bugs that live next to/under the grass at the edges of the plot.
It gets even better. I did Henry's, Dig's and Mow's legs and C came and helped. They even held Mow for a while. I have never seen C hold a chicken unless it was upside down by the legs!
C asked if I was going to let Fret sit and hatch again and how they though that having hatchlings rather than getting hens brought in had worked out well.:th
We had a very pleasant afternoon.

A pleasant dry afternoon with some sunshine. Three and a half hours today.
This first picture looks pretty normal. That's C tending their plot. In the past if C comes to the allotments and the chickens are out they've shooed the chickens off the plot into the allotment run and shut the gate. This afternoon not only did C not shoo them away, the looked rather happy with the chickens scratching around while they dug. C even threw them the worms they found!
I spent most of the afternoon chatting with C. I showed them that the chickens were mostly foraging for the bugs that live next to/under the grass at the edges of the plot.
It gets even better. I did Henry's, Dig's and Mow's legs and C came and helped. They even held Mow for a while. I have never seen C hold a chicken unless it was upside down by the legs!
C asked if I was going to let Fret sit and hatch again and how they though that having hatchlings rather than getting hens brought in had worked out well.:th
We had a very pleasant afternoon.
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View attachment 3775838View attachment 3775756
Chickens are magic! Congratulations! You have really worked wonders there.

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