Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

I have a rooster with red butt skin. We checked for mites and there are none. Do you have any ideas as to what might be happening?
Feather mites that live in the quill is one possiblity. The chicken pulls their own feathers out if this is the case, but most likely is the hens have been pulling them out. Feathers are a nice protein snack so checking the chickens are getting sufficient protein in their diet may be usefull.
Feather mites that live in the quill is one possiblity. The chicken pulls their own feathers out if this is the case, but most likely is the hens have been pulling them out. Feathers are a nice protein snack so checking the chickens are getting sufficient protein in their diet may be usefull.
How would I check for them, and what would they look like?

(EDIT: My sister commented below me. I still want the info so I can do it myself. Even though that cockerel is hard for me to handle since he thinks I'm a rooster).
Lucky them! Wish I'd had you to guide/ hold kmy hand when we started out! Woulda saved me a ton of mistakes. I feel now like I should tear my hen house down and starrt over but oh well it is what it is!
We went through that feeling this weekend, the chickens are now living in the second coop that we built, much improved over the first one and of course, as we observe how they live in the space provided, we have learned more. Now that we are planning the turkey coop, there are changes that I want to make for the chicken coop. (Yes, the egg thief is rolling his eyes, a lot, like every time I say, we should just start over or we need another 10 acres...LOL)

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