Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

did you do the Rebecca rioters too? they're local to us (and involve oppression by the English) so they get revived in the Welsh media now and then.
Sadly not. It was an English School so there was not much emphasis on Scotland and Wales (though Ireland always seemed on the front page).
I just looked them up (Wikipedia) and something about the side-bar tolls rang a bell so it may be I just wasn’t paying attention!
It was definitely the kind of popular action in response to private control and taxation that would have been completely on point for the course. But there was a lot of it about at the time.
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Interesting read. It reminded me of the New England settlements, both Pilgrims and Puritans, back in the 1600s. They tried a collective society, but didn't succeed as such. Once each family was allowed their own plot and permission to do as they liked with their crops food became abundant.
Even as far back as the 1600 England, the land, was owned by a minority of wealthy people. As I understand it that wasn't the case in America where one could venture forth and stake out a land claim.
For the English, common land was the only access to land to graze and grow there was.
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Damp windy and generally mean spirited miserable weather. Two hours sort of out. Following Mow around again. Had a dog run into the field today. I only just got to it in time. I had a few choice words for the owner.
The weather people are forcasting a dry day tomorrow and possibly a few after that. We shall see. Hopefully I'll get some stuff in the ground.
Coed has hurt his left foot; he's reluctant to bear weight on it. No obvious break or swelling is visible from about 3' away. He does not want me to get any closer, and I don't want to make him run on a bad foot. So I'm dithering over whether I should let nature take its course, for a few days or as long as it takes, or try to catch him for proper evaluation and maybe treatment; there is a local wild bird hospital I could take him to if I can catch him. What would you do?

eta: Coed is the pheasant who's a semi-detached member of the flock
Pheasants are ground roosting birds. But, their nests are very hard to find even if you manage to follow one to the general location. If you can get within three feet of the bird then I would try throwing a large bathtowel over it if you want to catch it.

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